Thinking of custom packing solutions ? 5 things you need to consider

When looking at two products in the same category, one of the major factors influencing a customer?s decision will be the way the packaging. Your product may not even be visible ? think cornflakes, teas, coffee, a drill set ? the outer packaging is all the customer sees. This means, you need to pay as much attention to your packaging as you do to the product itself. Custom packing solutions can seem like a great idea. Instead of a regular rectangular box, you could try something different. Instead of a plain brown box with sticker, you could print interesting graphics. That said, it isn?t always the best solution. You need to be practical with your decisions. So, before you sign off on an order for custom packing, here are a few things to think about.

What are your average order quantities?

Every packing company has a minimum order value or quantity. This is typically higher for custom packing than it is for regular packaging solutions. After all, the company may need to make new dies; they?ll invest time and effort into designing and creating new packaging. The cost of custom packing will anyways be higher than the cost of regular packing. If you have a low order quantity, this cost could increase further. So, take a look at our average order values and see whether the costs make sense. 

Where is the product going to be sold?

When your customer is shopping in a super market, they?re looking at the packaging and comparing it to other brands. But, when the customer shops online, you can show them the product itself. The practicality of the packaging is another thing you need to think about. A supermarket may find it cumbersome to stock oddly shaped boxes on their shelves. If you choose cylindrical shapes, they may roll off the shelves. On the other hand, if you?re selling your product online, you don?t need to worry about this. 

Who is your target audience?

Knowing your target audience is important not only for product R & D but also for when you?re designing the product packaging. What are the emotions you wish to evoke in your customers? What is their socio-economic background? If you?re targeting a budget conscious audience, are they really going to be willing to pay a higher price for packaging? Or would they be happy with a lower price point and simple packaging? Millennials, the generation Z- they all have different expectations and values. Think about how your packaging speaks to these people and how important it is.

What?s your stand on carbon footprint-ing?

Today, almost all companies are aware of their carbon footprint. Many are taking an active role in choosing recyclable materials to reduce their carbon footprint and give the company a green image. Custom packing solutions aren?t always eco-friendly. While you may choose eco-friendly materials, making new dies and setting up new processes may increase the energy cost of your packaging. Your customers may or may not know about this but you certainly will. So, think about how important it really is. At the same time, if you deal with large order values, look at whether the energy costs of custom packing will lead to long-term savings.

Think Practical Solutions

Packaging isn?t merely important aesthetically but more importantly, it protects your product and keeps it secure. Hence, there are practical points that need to be considered. For example, if it?s a liquid, you need to work with materials that are waterproof and sealable. If it?s a large bulky item like a TV, you need packaging that holds it securely and is easy to handle ? packing a 65? TV in a ball shaped package would make it very inconvenient to carry now wouldn?t it? When you?re dealing with perishable and chemicals, you will also need to comply with certain regulations. 

If you decide you need custom packing solutions, there are plenty of packaging companies you can work with. It?s always best to work with a company that comes recommended by someone you know and trust. Before you sign a contract take a look at the company?s capabilities, the people they have on their team, their warehousing solution, and of course, the vibe you share with them. Always choose people you can see yourself working with not just today but also in the future. 


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.