How To Compete With Business Giants? Showcase Ideas For Small Business Owners

Small business owners shouldn’t restrict themselves to competing with fellow small businesses. Many business giants are working in the market and have captured much of the audience both physically as well as digitally.

While small businesses might feel truly overwhelmed by these giant businesses, however, they should make sure to keep fighting for their name and recognition until they finally succeed at it. According to the stats, 70 percent of the startups came to an end within ten years.

In order to compete with the giants, you need to sustain enough. Have your plans accordingly and believe in yourself.

Ideas for Small Business Owners to help Compete with Business Giants

Before we get into how you can establish a business in the long run, you need to understand why businesses fail. According to Business Students, there are multiple factors that lead to business failure.

Crowd writer Uk conducted a survey for their business report. According to the numbers from that survey, most businesses fail because their product is not the need of their targeted customers.

Now let’s have a look at some ways, ideas and tactics with which you can stay firm in the business industry.

Establish Your Social Presence

Establishing your social presence in today’s time when everything has become so advanced and digitized is more of a piece of cake. In earlier times, when the traditional mode of advertising was quite expensive, it involved a lot of effort to make your business known among the masses.

The case is very different now. You can get many customers for your small business by using these free and very cheap cost ideas to build your online reputation. It includes conducting surveys, providing free samples, and social media marketing, including giveaways and competitions to increase your brand’s popularity.

Build Your Reputation

You can build your business’ reputation by providing excellent customer service, which will get you many satisfied customers. Also, customers can be asked to give their feedback and reviews so that other people get an idea about how good your brand’s image is.

In case there is a negative review, you can work on fixing it, or if there are any complaints, immediately try to address such issues so that people are inspired by your great customer dealing skills. Remember, your customer is your king; treat him just like one!

Offer Great Customer Service

Since you have a small business set up, it is much easier to connect and develop a good relationship with your customer. If you have an amazing product or service to offer but zero customer service then you might never become a successful name in the market.

To compete with business giants and mark your name in the already-prospering market, you are supposed to provide exceptional customer service. Many people interact with businesses based on their customer service. The better the service, the more engagement there is.

If you give them these protocols, even if you are going to charge a little extra as compared to business giants, people will still want to connect with your business.

Refine Your Target Audience

While big businesses are focused on reaching a larger audience, being a small-scale business, you can reach out to a specific set of people.

Think about the way you can refine your audience so that, if not all, your business instantly becomes popular with a particular group of customers.

You can also opt for Marketing on Facebook, which will then show your ads to people who follow in the bracket of the requirements you have set.

Pay Attention To Customer Feedback

According to the insights from, “Customer feedback is the most crucial element that can help you grow as a business. Many times customers give their feedback to help your business improve. This feedback could be taken constructively and can be worked upon to improve customer relationships. It will also show your customers that you are concerned about their feedback and truly care, and try to resolve it if need be. This will differentiate you from business giants whose links are so vast and scattered that they find it extremely difficult to address every issue and concern.”

Offer Loyalty Cards

Big brands usually offer loyalty cards to their customers so that they enjoy coming back to them repeatedly. As a small business, you can start with this idea and gain popularity among your audience.

This enables your customer to get extra discounts on your services and products, thus making them stick with your business for a long time.

Offer Promotions

Big brands and businesses have a lot of budgets for marketing their brand. Small businesses, however, are budget-restrained, working with limited resources and labor. In such a case, you might not have big-scale ideas to plan and execute, but you can offer great deals and promotions to your customers.

Brands that offer deals and discounts are more likely to be approached by people as compared to those that do not.


While your business might be a small-scale struggling setup trying to build its brand image. Remember that it will take time, and consistency is the key. Though there might be business giants operating in the market, your unique ideas can be a game changer for your business.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.