Do’s & Don’ts In-Running Training Camps

    running training camps

    Running is the best way to get fit, feel better, and build a bond with other runners. Forming a new running habit may sound difficult at the beginning, but it isn?t impossible. All it takes is a comfortable pair of shoes and a willingness to get out of your comfort zone. Running is a superb life-time sport, and joining running training camps shall be your most memorable experience. After choosing the camp you wish to attend, numerous factors need attention.

    The Three ?T?s? of training

    • Time – You have to ensure that you stick to your plan and run an adequate amount of time or distance required for the camp you choose to attend. If you want a camp that has an objective to get you back in shape to be able to run at a good pace for an hour a day, ensure your body is ready for the stress. Don?t wait until a week or more prior to the start of camp, be smart, and take time before the beginning of the field and gradually increase your mileage or running time. The training camps have a group based on ability levels, so runners of all abilities have successful training experience.
    • Temperature – Be prepared for unpredicted weather conditions as temperature changes any moment. If you are in a colder region, try running early in the morning than at midday to late afternoon. It is advisable to allow your body to adapt to warmer and humid conditions as it will be beneficial for training in the camp. The common your training conditions more quickly you can run.
    • Terrain – Make sure you check the ground of the camp before choosing it. If you want a camp in the mountains, then be ready to train on some hills before joining the particular field. If you prefer training in trails, then find a state park that allows you to run their trails. Lastly, train yourself before entering any camp to make the most of it.

    Be prepared for the physical training, weather, and demands of the terrain before joining Kenyan runners training.

    The Do?s and Don?ts of running training camps

    • Don?t compare this year?s camp to last year?s – Yes, maybe last year?s camp had a better bunch of people that made you feel motivated to achieve new goals, but that doesn?t mean this year you are sad in the new group. In all your experiences, God wants you to do something new and reach new heights. He does everything with a plan and a purpose and is working on your heart now. Don?t waste your time as well as energy, thinking about the last camp. Instead, enjoy and live in the present moment.
    • Do socialize – Camps are the best medium through which we can connect with new people and interact with people from different backgrounds. Learn from people?s experiences and get motivated to try out new things that will get you an adrenaline rush.
    • Do choose a training camp that suits you – Training camps are like runners that come in all sizes and shapes. Choosing the right training camp is vital as it ensures one to get the most out of the week. Ask yourself various questions like will it suit a beginner? Will it suit my body type? Choose a training camp when you are assured to make it one of the most memorable experiences of your life.
    • Do ease yourself in – There is a temptation when you arrive at a training camp to explore the thousands of kilometres on the same day while the sun is shining bright overhead. It would help if you calmed down as you have a long week ahead for training, so ease yourself to get the most out of your time in the saddle.
    • Don?t leave thoroughly exhausted – It?s a long training week at Kenyan marathon training, but you don?t have to train like every marathon is your last. Don?t overdo exercise, listen to your body, or else you will return home ill or injured. Everyone wishes to arrive back in good condition, so it is advised to take rest during training.
    • Do drink a lot of water and eat a lot of vegetables – Water plays a significant role in keeping your whole body hydrated, and it is essential to maintain hydration while training. Vegetables contain a lot of critical nutrients and vitamins that play a vital role in keeping the body healthy.
    • Do pay attention to recovery – It is crucial to provide ample opportunity to the body to recover after the exertion of a long day in the saddle. Everyone wants to do big miles, but that isn?t possible without getting eight hours of sleep. At training camps, you will be taught the significance of recovery so you can achieve your goals in your city life too.

    How to prepare for a marathon?

    • Find a training plan – to begin training for a marathon, it is vital to choose the right training plan that will help you build up your mileage and provide the endurance to prevent overuse injuries.
    • Enablement and recovery – It is essential to eat the right foods at the right time so you can enable or fuel your body and recover during training.
    • Goal setting – All marathon runners should have a goal set and train them accordingly to increase the mileage gradually. First-time marathon runners should focus on finishing the race.
    • Mental preparation – It is great to be mentally prepared before any marathon as it builds up the confidence level and aids in achieving the goals.
    • Get the right equipment – For finishing a race in time, it is equally important to wear comfortable, light, and supple sporting equipment.
    • Understand it will be hard, but you can do it – Committing to a training plan may be tough at first, but you can do it when you are encouraged and motivated to do so.

    Key Takeaways

    Train yourself like a beast in the training camps and achieve all your goals with time. Ensure you prepare the ?TO DO? list before joining running training to get the best experience.


    As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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