6 Steps To Optimize Your Network For VoIP

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol, a technology that allows the user to make calls through the internet connection, thus eliminating the use of a landline or mobile network.

A VoIP system works on the principle that converts analog voice signals into digital signals using a broadband connection and back to analog signals at the receiver?s end, thus making it easy to make calls without spending a lot on long-distance phone calls.

VoIP systems are finding great use in today?s time wherein working from home has become a necessity. With the internet being easily accessible, VoIP is becoming one of the most sought-after technologies to make calls, especially since it provides several other services, including high-definition calls. With this IP Access Guide, learn how to login to your router’s default IP Address and configure your router settings automatically. 

With the ever-increasing demand for VoIP, it has become essential to ensure that the network is well optimized. This ensures that all resources are optimally and accurately used to make this surge in VoIP a success.

Six important steps need to be followed to optimize your network for VoIP. These are:

1. Internet Speed: 

The speed of the internet from your service provider is unarguably one of the topmost priorities, which must be considered while using VoIP for making calls. The rate of the internet you receive must be enough to make calls over a range of distances, thus making it useful for both local and overseas calls.

VoIP systems have become very popular in businesses and jobs whose interests mostly lie in the IT field, thus making it more digital instead of having physical meetups, which has proven to enhance the productivity of organizations. However, to make these business calls more efficient, the internet speed must be high to ensure uniform and fast connectivity throughout the call. The quality of these calls is highly dependent on the speed and stability of your internet.

2. Security of your network: 

Another important aspect that needs to be considered for VoIP systems is the security of the network you?re working on. With the soaring cases of cybercrimes, your network must be secured so that any disturbance or interruption can be avoided. Insecure networks pose a threat due to hackers, which can be avoided by using reliable firewalls, and antivirus software that protect your hardware and any other important information from being leaked. The use of appropriate firewalls also helps against any data traffic that may occur during calls, thus affecting the quality of the call.

3. Appropriate hardware to support the use of VoIP: 

The kind of hardware that you are using to make calls using VoIP systems securely must be suitable to support such high-end technologies as well as to ensure good call quality and uniformity. Not many people are familiar with the kind of hardware required to use VoIP technology smoothly, thus making it difficult to use all the features of VoIP effectively. The use of new and upcoming mobiles, headsets, etc., is essential to ensure that problems like echo or distortion can be avoided. Apart from this, it should also be noted that the hardware you are using is compatible with your network and internet service providers.

4. Analyze bandwidth: 

The bandwidth is yet another essential criterion that needs to be considered while considering VoIP technology. The network you are using for VoIP calls must have good bandwidth to ensure good quality and uniform calls over a large range of network usage, thereby providing a guarantee against any distortion due to poor or bad networks. There will be some bandwidth lost as a result of traffic as well as packet loss that need to be taken into account. The problems regarding bandwidth can be solved by either increasing the network’s overall bandwidth in use or reducing the bandwidth usage, which may help improve the quality of these VoIP calls.

5. Evaluate cables:

Cables are another necessary component when it comes to VoIP infrastructure. The cables used must be easily compatible with the kind of hardware and network you are using since the use of appropriate cables is an integral part that determines the quality and uniformity of a VoIP call. Nowadays, CAT-5 or higher-grade cables are used. With the ever-evolving technologies, it has also become important to upgrade network infrastructure to avail of the faster network speed, which can be achieved by installing an ample amount of Ethernet cables that are compatible with the devices you plan on using. 

6. Consider using VLAN: 

VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) helps create a smaller virtual network within the network that you are already using, thus reducing the traffic since this virtual network is only being used for making VoIP calls thus reducing interruptions in the ring and maintaining uniformity. These virtual network areas have proved beneficial since these are solely dedicated to making VoIP calls; hence the only traffic caused may be localized to only calls and video calls. However, care must be taken not adversely to affect the network bandwidth. Further, it should be noted that the network infrastructure needs to be evaluated if you are considering VLAN as a viable option


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