How can I manage comments on Facebook Ads?

comments on facebook ads

A savvy internet user will tell you that no one clicks on Facebook ads, which is wrong. If they were right, then Facebook wouldn?t have made 16.6 billion USD in Q2 2019 in ad revenue alone. So, people are definitely clicking. So, how does all of this work, and more importantly how do you Manage comments on Facebook ads.??

How Do Ads on Facebook Work?

Ads on Facebook now come in many shapes and forms. You can promote a page, posts on the page, actions Facebook users took or simply the website. Despite the rising focus on native ads and maintaining traffic on Facebook?s website, you can still accomplish your goals by sending users to your own site. 

Ads on Facebook are targeted to people based on where they are, their profile data, and demographic data. Several of these choices are only possible with Facebook. When you have created an ad, you establish a budget and enter an auction for every click or 1000 impressions your ad will obtain. Users will then see your ads on sidebar. 

While the best practices for creating Facebook ads are an article for another day, we will simply focus on how ads work and how you can manage comments on facebook. On the other hand, we can tell you that the other options for Facebook ads are great for enforcing engagement and promoting brand awareness, but ads that have your users leave Facebook and get on your website are still the best choice for an immediate response you need to make a sale. 

Who Should Be Advertising on Facebook?

Plenty of businesses don?t do well with Facebook advertising because they are not suitable for them. You must always keep testing new channels of marketing, specifically before demand increases prices, but ensure to take into account how your business model fits the channel.  

Ads on Facebook are similar to display ads and they should be used to create demand, not satisfy it. Facebook users use it to connect with their friends, not look for things to buy. 

Low-friction Conversions

The businesses that thrive with Facebook advertisements ask people to sign up, not purchase. You must apply a low-friction conversion to accomplish your goals. Website visitors were not looking for what you are selling. They clicked on your ad just on an impulse. If you are depending on them to instantly buy an item to make your ad positive on ROI, you won?t succeed. 

Users on Facebook are fickle and prone to return to Facebook if you request for purchase directly. Instead, keep to easy conversions like signing up for a service, completing a short form, or submit an email address. Even if you are in e-commerce, not service, you would take into account on instant conversion. You can always upsell later by email marketing.

Regular deal websites like Fab, Groupon, and AppSumo are great examples of enterprises that can flourish with Facebook ads. When you click their ads, they simply ask for an email address. 

Business Model

Even if you just ask for an email address, in the beginning, you?ll want to gradually monetize these users if you want your ads to bring in profits. The most efficient business model that is suitable for Facebook earns profits from its users slowly, not instantly. A user may provide their email, but you will need to develop more trust before they buy a product. You can?t rely on a big buy from them, many small purchases are best. 

Regular subscription and deal websites are prime examples of business models that can succeed on Facebook. Both have customers with lifetime value is dispersed out over a few months. 

Reasons for Facebook Ads

Though there are several reasons for choosing to advertise on Facebook, there are three reasons we would like to highlight first and foremost.

  • Facebook Ad is Extremely Efficient

Back in 2004, no one could have anticipated just how big Facebook would get. Today, it has more than 2.2 billion active users monthly and almost 1.5 billion active daily users. Facebook, therefore, is a big part of people?s lives. This is a phenomenon that is not changing any time soon as we keep riding the tides of the era of information. Facebook is thought to be the best online channel for advertising and digital ad expenditure accounts for a staggering 51% of total spending on advertisement in the USA.??

  • Facebook Ads Have an Uncomplicated Set-Up Method and Quick Results

Establishing a campaign on Facebook takes not a lot of time and can produce great outcomes for your business. It is undeniable that digital ads make awesome ROIs and it can occur fast with the correct product and campaign. That is why you see ads on Facebook for both large and small businesses. You can go on Facebook right now and create an account as a business manager, set a mode of payment, and publish the campaign within minutes. 

  • Reaching Your Ideal Audience is Easier with Facebook Ads

As we said, Facebook is used by many people, so it becomes the ideal way to reach a target audience. Facebook offers plenty of intricate methods to reach particular people based on how they behave on your site, what they like, how they engage with your Facebook page, and other myriad details of their demographics like their location, age, and gender. You can make extremely detailed audiences that generate high ROIs using ads on Facebook. 

Comments on Facebook Ads

It is important to reply to comments users leave on Facebook ads and posts. If someone says something on your organic posts, do you reply? Most businesses would say yes but it is still surprising how many businesses don?t?they just ignore their paid posts. 

Ignoring your paid posts can lead you to miss opportunities, brand advocacy and an opportunity to delete and/or clear up spam or negative feedback that you paid for to show over social media.  

Are you prepared to efficiently answer comments appearing on your paid ads? Once an investment is made, managing an ad doesn?t end there. You have to ensure you review your advertising diligently and reply to comments to avoid driving users away from your business. 

Consistently and regularly responding can boost people?s assumption that you are an engaging and active brand on Facebook. 

Here?s how you can check shares, comments, and reactions through your Facebook page:

  • Log in on your Facebook page
  • Click on notifications at the top to expose a list of people who are engaging with your content
  • Click the notification in this list to reply to it

To check shares, reactions, and comments on ads you created in Ads Manager, here?s what you do:

  • Head on to Ads Manager
  • At the level of Ad, check the box close to your selected ad, then select edit beneath the ad name to open the side panel
  • Click the arrow above your ad?s preview on the right
  • When you see the drop-down menu, beneath See post, choose Facebook post with comments
  • Facebook will then open listing your posts with the reactions of people

How to Manage Ad Performance on Facebook

Facebook does not offer conversion tracking. Facebook Insights is excellent for data inside Facebook but it cannot offer data on users who leave the site. To correctly monitor your Facebook campaign?s performance, you need an analytics program such as Google Analytics, or your personal back-end system. You can tag your links by applying a URL builder from Google or your personal tracking tags. 

Conversion Tracking

You must always divide your campaigns according to interest groups so that you can check how every campaign performs. You can monitor them by applying the utm_campaign parameter. This parameter differentiates between advertisements. Ad-level monitoring is beneficial when testing attractive images and before you can set a baseline conversion rate and CTR. 

Performance Tracking

You will additionally require to track your performance inside the Facebook interface. The most critical measurement to monitor is CTR or click-through rate. The CTR impacts both the amount of clicks you get and the amount you will be paying every click. Ads with a decreased CTR will cease to serve or become more costly. Ads with an increased CTR will produce several clicks as well as fit inside your budget. They also cost less.

Keep close attention to your CTR by ads and interests to understand which audience works best and which advertisements create the most influence on them. The smaller your audience, the quicker this will happen. Generally, you will see your traffic begin to drop within 3 to 10 days. 

When it does, update the ads with new copy and images. Replicate your present ads, then modify the ad text and image. Do not change the present ad. Delete any present ads that are not getting any clicks. By the following day, you will see the new ads getting clicks and impressions. 

Track the performance of the image over time to see which ones create the highest CTR and manage their traffic the most profusely. You can turn high-performing pictures back in every other week until they cease to get clicks. 


Regardless of the learning curve, Facebook ads can be an excellent channel for marketing for the correct brands. The most crucial things to remember are using target-specific interests, attractive images, giving users low-friction conversion, responding to comments under ads, and monitor everything. 

Author Bio:

Manan Ghadawala is the founder of 21Twelve Interactive which is one of the best mobile app development company in India and the USA. He is an idealistic leader with a lively management style and thrives raising the company?s growth with his talents. He is an astounding business professional with astonishing knowledge and applies artful tactics to reach those imaginary skies for his clients. His company is also recognized by the Top Mobile App Development Companies.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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