The Beginner’s Guide To Crystals, Which Ones To Use And When

Crystals are one of the most popular New Age items, a branch of metaphysical healing that can be used by anyone to increase their emotional and spiritual well-being. In this article, we’ll explore how you can use crystals in your life for general positivity, clearing away negative energies, and rituals for spiritual growth.

What are Crystals?

Crystals are beautiful and intriguing objects that have been used for centuries for their purported healing properties. But what are they, really? Simply put, crystals are minerals that have been formed over time by the earth?s heat and pressure. They are made up of atoms that are arranged in a repeating pattern, which gives them their unique shape and structure.

There are many different types of crystals, each with its own unique appearance and set of healing properties. Some of the most popular crystals include quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, and tourmaline.

How do Crystals Work?

Crystals work by interacting with our energy field, or aura. The belief is that when we place a crystal on our body or in our environment, it can help to cleanse and balance our energy. This can promote feelings of well-being, peace, and relaxation.

In addition to their general energies, each type of crystal also has specific properties that can be used for specific purposes. For example, amethyst is said to be helpful in relieving stress and promoting restful sleep. Rose quartz is thought to be a powerful love stone that can open the heart chakra and promote self-love.

What are they used for?

Crystals can be used for a variety of purposes, from healing to protection to manifestation. It is important to choose the right crystal for your intention, as different crystals have different properties. For example, if you want to attract love, you would use a rose quartz crystal. If you want to improve your mental clarity, you would use an amethyst crystal.

There are many ways to use crystals. You can carry them with you, place them in your home or office, or wear them as jewelry. You can also meditate with them or use them in energy work such as Reiki or acupuncture.

If you’re new to working with crystals, it’s best to start with some of the more common stones such as quartz, amethyst, or rose quartz. Once you get comfortable using these stones, you can branch out and explore other crystals.

How are they used?

Crystals can be used in a number of ways, depending on their intended purpose. They can be worn as jewelry, placed in an environment or carried on your person. Some people meditate with crystals, while others use them during energy work or healing sessions.

The type of crystal you use will often dictate how you use it. For example, some crystals are best suited for wearing as jewelry, while others may be better suited for carrying with you throughout the day. When choosing a crystal for a specific purpose, it is important to do some research to ensure you are using the right one.

There are many different ways to use crystals. Some people believe that certain crystals can help to balance the energy in the body, while others use them for more specific purposes such as easing anxiety or improving sleep quality. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide how they would like to use their crystals.

Crystal Healing Benefits

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that uses stones and crystals to balance the body and mind. Crystal therapy can be used to treat physical, mental, and emotional issues.

There are many benefits of crystal healing. Some people believe that crystals can help to cleanse and align the chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Crystal therapy can also help to boost the immune system, relieve pain, and reduce stress and anxiety.

If you?re interested in trying crystal healing, it?s important to choose the right stones for your needs. Some crystals are better suited for certain conditions than others. For example, amethyst is thought to be helpful in treating addictions, while rose quartz is associated with love and forgiveness.

When selecting crystals for healing, it?s also important to consider their energy level. Some stones have a more high-vibrational energy, while others have a more calming effect. It?s important to choose crystals that will resonate with your own energy field.

Once you?ve selected the right crystals for your needs, there are a few different ways to use them. You can carry them with you throughout the day, wear them as jewelry.

Basic Crystal Meanings

When it comes to working with crystals, it’s important to know the basic meanings of each type of crystal. This will help you determine which crystal is right for you and your needs. Here is a quick guide to the most popular crystals and their meanings:

Amethyst: This purple crystal is associated with peace, calming, and protection. It’s a great choice for anyone who is feeling stressed or anxious.

Crystal quartz: Clear quartz is known as the “master healer” and can be used for any purpose. It’s especially helpful in amplifying the energy of other crystals.

Rose quartz: Rose quartz is the stone of love and compassion. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to open their heart or attract more love into their life.

Tiger’s eye: Tiger’s eye is a powerful stone that helps you achieve your goals. It gives you courage and strength when you need it most.

These are just a few of the most popular crystals and their meanings. There are many more out there, so do some research to find the perfect crystals for you.

Different Types of Crystals

There are many different types of crystals, each with their own unique properties. Here is a quick guide to some of the more popular crystals:

Amethyst: Amethyst is a purple crystal that is said to promote peace, courage, and spirituality. It is often used in meditation and healing practices.

Rose Quartz: Rose quartz is a pink crystal that is said to promote love, compassion, and forgiveness. It is often used in practices involving self-love and self-care.

Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is a white or transparent crystal that is said to be a master healer. It is often used in energy cleansing and balancing practices.

Black Tourmaline: Black tourmaline is a black crystal that is said to protect against negative energy and promote grounding and stability. It is often used in protection rituals and practices involving release and detoxification.

Crystal Gem Stones by Color and for Which Energy

Crystals emit a certain frequency that helps to promote healing within the body. When selecting a crystal, it is important to consider the color of the stone as each color corresponds to a different chakra. It is also important to think about what you want to achieve from using the crystal. For example, if you want to focus on manifesting abundance, you would want to choose a green crystal like emerald or jade.

If you?re not sure which color of crystal you need, here is a list of gemstones by color and the corresponding chakra:

Red: Red stones are associated with the root chakra. This chakra is all about feeling grounded and secure. Red stones can help with issues like anxiety and feeling scattered. Some red stones include garnet, ruby, and bloodstone.

Orange: Orange stones are associated with the sacral chakra. This chakra is all about creativity, sexuality, and pleasure. Orange stones can help with issues like creative blocks and sexual dysfunction. Some orange stones include carnelian and coral.

Yellow: Yellow stones are associated with the solar plexus chakra. This chakra is all about personal power and will. Yellow stones can help with issues like letting go and moving on. Some yellow stones include citrine, topaz, and amber.

Green: Green stones are associated with the heart chakra. This chakra is all about emotions and feeling love for others. Green stones can help with issues like fear of rejection and over-reacting emotionally. Some green stones include emerald, jade, and malachite.

Blue: Blue stones are associated with the throat chakra. This chakra is all about speaking your truth out loud. Blue stones can help with issues like negativity in your life and speaking from a place of anger or resentment. Some blue stones include sapphire, aqua aura quartz, lapis lazuli and turquoise .

Indigo: Indigo stones are associated with the third-eye chakra. This chakra is all about connecting to your higher self and your intuition. Indigo stones can help with issues like feeling overwhelmed by the negativity in life, hearing what people are really saying when they lie to you, and experiencing a lack of motivation.

Individual Crystal Properties (Clear quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Selenite)

Clear Quartz: The Master Healer

Clear quartz is known as the master healer, and can be used for any and all purposes. It amplifies energy and intention, and can be programmed with specific desires. It is also excellent for clearing and purifying the energy of oneself and one’s environment.

Lapis Lazuli: The Stone of Truth

Lapis lazuli is a powerful stone that has been used throughout history to promote wisdom, truth, and inner power. It is said to help one access their higher self, and to connect with spiritual guides and teachers. Lapis lazuli is also excellent for dispelling negative energy.

Selenite: The Stone of Clarity

Selenite is a very powerful stone that is said to clear the mind and promote mental clarity. It is also excellent for purifying the energy of oneself and one’s environment. Selenite can also be used to connect with higher realms of consciousness.


If you’re interested in using crystals to improve your life, this guide is a great place to start. I’ve included information on which crystals are best for beginners, as well as how to use them and when. I hope that this guide has given you a better understanding of crystals and their power, and that you’ll be inspired to try out some of them for yourself. Thanks for reading!


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