How can Google?s Advanced Image Search Benefit Your Website? Know Here!

    Image Search Benefit

    Having well-written content is good for a website, but it is not enough. Visual content is as important as text, if not more. The same old boring black text on a white background can be quite boring, but adding a couple of attractive images could make a website’s content alluring. Google images are one of the biggest platforms, besides Images speak a thousand words and are worth a thousand searches. Everyone wants to look at pretty and glamorous images about everything. People want a visual representation of everything. To see what this and that looks like.

    Google images display their results in the following manner:

    When someone searches for something like a company or information about Eiffel Tower, the result page displays a variety of images. These images are displayed at the top of the search results. This is the basic and common search result format. 

    There are many basic filters in Google Images one can use to locate the perfect image. Some of these filters are:

    1. Image size – One can select any size needed for searched images. Options are large, medium or icon.
    2. Image color – The options given for this filter are black, white, or transparent. But there are a few other color options available as well.  
    3. Image type – One can select the type of image they want. Whether it is a clip art or GIF online drawing.
    4. Time – This filter allows an individual to select a time frame for the image they are looking for, whether it was taken in the last 24 hours or last week or month or year.
    5. Usage rights – This filter gives one the option of choosing images from either creative common licensed images or commercial and other licenses.

    Advanced Google Image Search:

    The above image shows the advanced settings for Google Images. If someone could not find the image they were looking for using the basic filters, Google Images provides them with advanced settings as well.

    This exact word or phrase, region, aspect ratio, site or domain, SafeSearch, and file type, are the advanced settings that can help search engines to produce narrowed down search results for the people.

    Google image search can bring in a ton of traffic to websites. Many people are not aware of how much a properly chosen image can do for a website. Using relevant images and their LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords can bring so many people to a website. Creating a unique image and optimizing it can also generate traffic to those websites. People tend to respond better when it comes to images over text results. 

    Advantages of Google? Advanced Image Search: 

    Adding advanced filters in Google Image search has become easier for people to find images they are looking for. Advantages of Advanced Google Image Search are as follows:

    • Reverse image search allows a user to search for images without worrying about keywords. It is simple and easy to use. This filter allows users to search for images by taking a photo and conducting a reverse image search to find items similar to it.
    • Search Engines conduct refined and Narrowed search as consumers type in the relevant keywords and phrases. This makes it easier to find what people are looking for. It helps in reducing the search and creating a better overall user experience.
    • Pinpointing image sources help in finding the correct source of the image. When someone wants to find out the source for an image they saved, they can simply conduct a reverse image search and find it.
    • Saves time as the users don’t have to scroll through thousands of images to find the one they are looking for. By giving the search engine the keywords, users make it easier for them to find the right images.

    The above-mentioned advantages help websites generate traffic to them if implemented properly. Each company can use Google Advanced Image Search to their liking and their benefits.

    Affordable SEO Toronto

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    As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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