Conversion Content Strategies for eCommerce Sites

    conversion content writing

    The ability to transform site visitors into potential customers is the main Mantra for the survival of eCommerce sites. Conversion content for eCommerce is not just limited to that of attracting visitors to the site and showcasing viral contents. There is a lot more to the strategy. eCommerce conversion content planning is about transforming the site visitors into potential buyers, which is also a part of the eCommerce site optimization.

    Nevertheless, before you turn that traffic into purchasers, you have a lot to consider. Winning the trust of the site visitors on several fronts is important to transform them into buyers, besides posting eCommerce conversion content. You need to ensure the listing of the right products, terms, policies, competitive prices and last but not the least, proper availability. Post all these, conversion content writing is the ultimate strategy to impact visitors? decisions and convert them into potential purchases.

    Prior to indulging into conversion content strategies, it is important for you to know about the different categories of contents that might not leave a direct impact on the leads, but can significantly boost your conversion rates.

    Features & Benefits Pages

    Though, many sites are good enough in their strategy of putting up features & benefits pages, this is an important area to bring under consideration. Creating features & benefits page involves writing precise one or two short paras that demonstrate the products along with its components, alongside highlighting the benefits you get from them. You need to write them in a way that helps the customers understand the core value of the product such as what actually they are buying and how they can avail the benefits post purchase. Though the features and benefits pages assist a lot in enhancing your conversion rates but their sole purpose is informing the customers rather than selling products to them.

    Convincing & Buttering Contents

    This may sound a bit strange but is of absolute importance. This, by all means, is one of the most integral parts of a powerful eCommerce conversion content strategy. Convincing & buttering contents smartly butter the customers while convincing them unlike the conventional boring way of selling to them. It helps in making the customers realize how life would be so different if they purchase the products, thereby directly leaving an impact on the decision-making process.

    Buying Guides

    Buying guides are extremely powerful while optimizing your eCommerce site and perhaps, the most enticing conversion content writing. This is a crucial time when you hit the bull?s eye and guide the customer in making bold and intelligent purchasing decisions. Buying guides strike the customers? decision-making abilities and assist them in convincing them of a confident purchase. It helps in eradicating the dilemmas of customers and assists them in realizing their expertise in making an informed buying decision.

    Sales Techniques & Conversion Content Writing

    Before you delve into the details of conversion content writing, you should first know about the different sales techniques outside the eCommerce world. Long ago, when there were no eCommerce sites, traditional sales guys would dedicate hours of hard work in making the customers understand and convincing them for the purchase. However, making them nod for the purchase and having them spend their dear bucks was not at all an easy task to accomplish.

    A convincing sales technique covers a lot more than just making your customers nod for the purchase. You have to be aware of the requirements of your customers and likewise align your services and products to that context for making them purchase. A well trained and expert sales guy would always ensure their customers understand the core value of the products and how it can assist them on a number of fronts. This conventional technique is pretty much similar to that of the eCommerce Content Strategy for eCommerce sites.

    Your job simply does not end at just convincing the customers and agreeing with them to make the purchase. A well-designed sales funnel works by the understanding of customer requirements and purchase decisions to generate more sales. This is a crucial part for eCommerce and offline sales as well but their strategies are different. Any successful seller will always attempt to know the scepticism, dilemmas of a customer and then address them accordingly. Figuring out the dilemmas of a customer and then addressing them properly is the penultimate strategy to generating more sales, which is not the case always for eCommerce business.

    Conversion Content Strategy for eCommerce

    eCommerce conversion content is a powerful content writing technique that helps in figuring out the possible scepticism, dilemmas of a customer and then addressing them tactically on the product details page.

    eZdia offers a completely unique conversion content strategy for eCommerce businesses. Taking advantage of all the positive and negative buying perceptions of customers across many different sites, the strategy can address the concerns smartly, thereby impacting customers? purchase decisions. With this technique, you do not need to go through individual reviews of customers and act as a precise summary of the reviews. Since, no specific customers are mentioned in the reviews, they can be easily used regardless of the platform they are coming from.

    The advantage of implying this technique is that it has a better journalistic tone and appears as honest customer reviews. Devising this technique, the negative reviews are posted as pre-sale concerns rather than leaving any negative impact on the product itself. After that, positive reviews are lined-up and then posted to balance those negative concerns, leaving direct impact on purchase decisions. Leveraging the most positive reviews, the entire process makes product reviews reading a lot easier than ever.

    In short words, even the least modifications in the conversion rates can bring a lot of difference to your entire business productivity.

    Proof of the Strategy

    One can easily figure out this strategy?s proficiency by selecting a number of products and then checking their reviews across many different sites on the internet. Then you need to make a summary, analysis and finally quantify those reviews. Post that, you need to figure out all the major negative concerns of the customers for the products by going through the reviews carefully.

    Now comes the main part. Get started by addressing the customer concerns with positive reviews and facts and thereby posting them on the PDP. Analyze the different numbers of people posting negative reviews and counter them with the most positive reviews available. Highlight some of the brilliant perks such as return policies, prices etc. and end with a verdict that compel the customers into buying the products. If you can?t reach the verdict for any product, cancel that and pick any other.

    Now that you are done with the above steps, get started with bringing traffic to the site. Start a paid listing for the products and take some product ranges that you can bring into consideration for competitive analysis. Finally, start following up with the changes in the conversion rates of those products. Albeit, one or two customer change may not be of that importance, but when it comes to a range of products, these short changes can leave a substantial impact on your conversion rates. Paid listing also helps in pacing up the test program. Even the slightest changes in conversion rates will be visible across all the sales channels.

    Final Verdict

    A well working eCommerce conversion content strategy works through targeting, engaging and bringing visitors to the site, which eventually are transformed into buyers. However, before that you need to ensure you are aware of all the different eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization and the types of contents that can leave an impact on the conversion rates for your business.

    Author Bio

    Dharmendra Tripathi – A eCommerce SEO Specialist in the eZdia marketing team. eZdia offers both a site-level eCommerce SEO Services and a Conversion Rate Optimization for free to qualified eCommerce sites.


    As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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