All Kinds of Materials Most Commonly Used for Custom Boxes

Custom Boxes Materials

Packaging is an integral part of each product. It does various functions like containing, protecting, and marketing. However, each kind of product requires different types of boxes that depend on the use of the materials. Multiple different kinds of materials are available in the market that are commonly used for Custom Boxes. One thing is that you must ensure that all these materials are sustainable, sturdy, and of good quality. 

A Brief Overview of Custom Boxes  

Customized packaging is a good option to boost sales as it satisfies customers’ personal needs and requirements. That’s why it has been becoming popular among all brands to leave a good impression on their target audience. However, the main reason for using the product boxes is to protect the content from damage, destruction, and contamination. Moreover, they market the products effectively as they are the first interaction between the customers and the company. Customers assess the product quality by looking at the packaging. Which means that it has an impact on the buying decisions of customers.  

Custom Boxes Most Commonly Used Materials

Material is the basic constituent of packaging boxes. The quality of the packaging depends on it. That’s why selecting the right material is critical. Because choosing the right one is beneficial in every aspect. Here are the details of all kinds of Custom Boxes materials that are commonly used for packaging. 

Corrugated Cardboard

The most popular material is corrugated cardboard as it provides durability and strength during shipping and storage. They are the best for food, electrical, and house items. Cardboard is a heavy paper pulp or thick paper stock that develops into a strong box by creating a thick card arrangement. The advantages of cardboard boxes are that they are biodegradable, stronger, versatile, lightweight, and cost-effective. 

It is a strong material as it provides resistance against bumps, crushing, and knocks. In addition, sustainability is not an issue as they are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. You can recycle and reuse the cardboard easily after their use. One can use them in various ways as they provide versatile options. 


They are thicker than paper and provide more strength for the protection of products during storage. It is the most essential and used material. What a great product your company makes, if it is not safe, then it will be useless. Because people will never prefer destroyed products. First, the cardstock was used for gifts, now they have been using it for product boxes too. It is the most recommended material due to its multiple advantages. It is ideal for crafts and arts as they are thinner than cardboard and paperboard. 


It is a flexible material for the packaging as it has an outstanding capacity for the products. They have multiple advantages in the industry. One of them is the sustainability of the material as it decomposes naturally without the emission of any harmful gases. Suppliers often face challenges in recognizing the issue of product packaging. In this regard, kraft is the perfect material for use.  

Bux Board

For e-commerce businesses, the Bux board material is the perfect option for the Custom Boxes. Because they are affordable and provide the required strength for product protection. Most online businesses prefer using it as they have the property of high toughness. In addition, its cost is less than that of the other packaging. Sometimes it becomes the most valuable due to its unanticipated points. Corrugated paper is used for the making of Bux board as they are famous for their product protection quality. Furthermore, they customize in any form and shape according to the customer’s requirements. 

Paper Board

One of the most confusing things about paper board is that people mix it with paper or cardboard. However, it is different from both. Paperboard is thicker than that of paper and thinner than that of cardboard. They are best for food item protection during shipping. From milk to toothbrushes, multiple products are packaged in paperboard as it provides unmatchable protection to products until they reach end-users. One of the top advantages of paperboard is that they are recyclable. 

Bleach Card

Companies are now using bleach cards due to their favorable properties over paper or plastic. The benefit of using these cards is that they are less expensive and provide the ultimate safety to content. They are widely used in cleansing firms and industries. Businesses use bleach cards for the shipping of maximum items to minimize the risk of damage. In addition, they provide perfect resistance against wetness. 

Rigid Boxes

The rigid stock not only provides protection but also gives a luxurious look to the products. Companies use it for the luxury look of their product packaging as they know that customers love it. Since 1950, cardboard has been the most popular and favorite material of the companies due to its multiple advantages. However, the main difference between the rigid and cardboard boxes is the strength of the material. Rigid boxes are stronger than cardboard. 

Concluding Remarks

The characteristics of the Custom Boxes depend on the type of material used. However, which material is best for the boxes also depends on the requirements and the needs of the products. All kinds of materials are perfect for use as they all contain the required qualities.