Keys To Know How To Choose The Best Gynecologist Hospital In Jaipur

The best Gynecologist Hospital in Jaipur offers personalized care and follow-up of pregnancy with all services and resources, from confirmation to delivery, including all diagnostic tests and a Gynecological and Obstetric Emergency Service available 24 hours a day. In addition, the team of specialists has the most modern equipment and technologies and is up to date with new trends and developments in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

How to Choose the Best Gynecologist Hospital in Jaipur for Your Delivery? 

You have probably chosen the closest to home in case you have to “run,” or you don’t even consider that you can choose because you think that you can only give birth in the one that corresponds to your area of residence. However, even if you do it through social security, it is possible to request a center change if there is availability. Many women choose a public hospital because they believe that private births are more “medicalized” -when this is not the case- or they choose a private center for the comforts and then are disappointed because it has not met their expectations in terms of the experience of the experience. 

It is essential to know the facilities and the circuit that is followed internally. Some Gynecologist Hospital in Jaipur also offers virtual tours, which allow you to see the delivery rooms and operating rooms. It is best to make the visit on-site and in person, if possible, and ask any questions that may arise; In addition, it helps to familiarize yourself with the hospital, the staff, and the environment, to know the accesses and the steps that you will have to follow, which will make you feel more relaxed and calmer when the day comes. Most deliveries are made in the same room, including natural ones. If an acute complication arises or is necessary to perform a caesarean section are transferred to the operating room.

1. Do you Give Priority to Mother and Child Health?

There is an official document called “Birth Plan,” You can specify what type of birth you want. In case of risk to the health of the mother or the future baby, medical judgment always prevails, but the hospital must respect the wishes of the mother and provide this document.

2. Who Will Assist Me When You Arrive?

You will be attended by the medical team that is on duty. With best Gynecologist Hospital in Jaipur, the advantage is that the on-call team is part of the medical team itself. Therefore it follows the same medical protocols and has access to all the information on the evolution of your pregnancy and your clinical history, which facilitates and streamlines any decision in the event of any complications.

3. What is the Role of the Midwife?

You must find out if the hospital has a specialized team of midwives that offer continuous support and assistance during childbirth, especially if you want to have a natural birth, and also find out their level of autonomy and what the ratio of midwives of available is, to find out if this service is common. You will have more or less support staff at that time.

4. Will be Accompanied at All Times from Admission, and Will a Companion Attend the Birth?

The answer must be yes and allow access to the person you choose, even if it is a caesarean section, unless there is a serious complication.

5. What Percentage of Natural Births and Episiotomies and Caesarean Sections Do?

 This data is not always explicitly recorded in memory, but you can check it or ask it directly. The WHO recommends that the rate of caesarean sections does not exceed 16%, and episiotomies do not exceed 15-20%. But it is a relative figure based on the patient’s profile since that figure is a percentage of a global and world calculation. But the age at which women become mothers has nothing to do with the age at which they become mothers in developed countries, where motherhood is increasingly delayed. Complications and risks increase with age and, therefore, in the centres and countries in which women give birth at an advanced age, the percentage of caesarean sections is usually higher. It easily exceeds 16%, both in centres private and public.

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