12 Goals Setting Techniques | Set Goals for your Life Tips & Guide 2022

You may have many areas of your life you want to improve and goals you want to achieve. So, it can be getting in shape, being healthy, quitting a bad habit, passing an online degree course, and others.?

Moreover, goals are important aspects of human life, and it is necessary to have goals to live an interesting and successful life. Therefore, proper goals setting is essential when it comes to achieving any goal. Hence, get through the whole content to get the techniques you can use to achieve your goals and get faster results.?

12 Goals Setting Techniques to Achieve Your Dream

Write Down All of Your Goals

The first step to achieving something is to know what your goals in life are. Hence, take a pen and paper and write down everything you want to achieve. So, writing your goals on paper, helps you give a clear idea.?

Visualize How Much Your Life Be Improved Once You Achieve the Goals

By visualizing how much your life will improve once you achieve the goals, you can decide what goals are important in your life. For example, you want to study more and pursue one-year courses such as online BA, BBA, BCA, BCom, BSc, MBA courses, or any other course. Hence, once you complete your graduation, you will have more education and many job opportunities.?

Choose Your Goals According to Priority

You may want to improve many areas of your life. But working on many things at the same time would not give you any results. So, now from your goal list, choose only three areas you want to improve the most. It can be learning new skills, learning a new language, getting into shape, preparing for an exam, and so on. Also, pick the three most important things you want to achieve that would help you improve your life significantly. 

Don?t Set Unrealistic Goals

Do not fool yourself by setting unrealistic goals just because you see someone doing that on social media. For example, you see somebody losing weight or gaining weight in one month, so now you also set goals to lose weight in one month. 

So, try goals to set in a way like-“I am going to lose one kg this month.” In this way, making small and unrealistic goals keeps you from sticking to your goals, which you are most likely to achieve. 

Give Yourself a Treat for a Small Achievement

Giving yourself a treat can keep you motivated and help you achieve your goal sooner. Let’s say you want to keep yourself healthy and fix your diet. You can promise yourself to give yourself a treat like pizza or ice cream if you eat a healthy and balanced diet for a month. So, you choose your achievements and rewards according to your interests. 

Tell People About Your Goals

You can share the goals with your family, friends, relatives, colleagues, and partners that you want to achieve. In this way, you get the sense of responsibility to work towards your goals. 

However, in some cases, sharing the goals of life with others can have a negative effect if the people you know do not show support. Hence, you must know if they are going to support you or not before telling them about your goals.?

Share Your Progress on Social Media

This goal setting is a little complicated, but it can be very advantageous if it’s done in the right way. So, if you are on social media and like to share things, you can share your goals and progress on social media. But, the problem with social media is that there are millions of people, and some are nice and some are not. 

Set Deadlines to Achieve Your Goals

If you want to achieve certain goals faster, you must set a deadline for them. Furthermore, if you want to finish a project, tell yourself you are going to complete it in a week. However, make sure to fix the deadlines that are realistic. 

Stick to Your Goals

You have to stick to your goals and work hard to achieve them. Also, it takes time to get a significant result. If you are a student pursuing a degree course, you have to study for hours every day to get good grades on the exam.

Stay Positive and Maintain Discipline

Things always do not go as we plan, and in this case, you do not need to lose hope. So, when it takes longer than you expected to achieve a goal, make sure you do not give up. Also, after a while, many people lose the motivation to achieve their goals, so you must have discipline towards reaching your goals. 

Keep Track of Your Progress

Keep track of your everyday progress in a specific way. This goal setting is useful for comparing your progress from where you started. So, you can take pictures every day after hitting the gym or running if you want to get in shape. 

Do Not Break the Chain

Consistency is so important when it comes to achieving a goal. Also, consistency is the only way you are going to achieve your life goals. Therefore, be consistent and try to improve little by little every day. Hence, you can stay consistent by marking a cross on your calendar after you work towards your goals every day.


Goals help people to have a purpose-driven life. However, you need to make plans for goals to set so you can both achieve them and enjoy the journey. Therefore, the above 12 techniques are beneficial for people who want to achieve certain life goals and improve their lives.


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