Flutter Vs React Native: Which is best to choose for 2023?


Due to the digital transformation, mobile apps steal the digital world game and help businesses to reach their potential customer base. 

Even statistics suggest that in 2022, the active user base was 6.6 billion; in 2027, the active smartphone user base is expected to rise by 7.7 billion. It indicates that mobile users keep on increasing. Additionally, mobile apps are expected to make $935 billion by 2023.

Impressive numbers, right? 

If you want to skyrocket your business growth, you can’t lose your valuable target customer just by not having your own app. 

You might be wondering about Flutter Vs React Native development: which framework should I use to leverage the maximum advantage? No worries! You are not alone; every business owner sails into the same boat when it comes to choosing the framework for their mobile app.

Before diving deep into the Flutter Vs React Native development discussion, let’s talk about some fundamentals of Flutter and React Native.

What is React Native app development?

React Native is an open-source mobile app development framework that enables businesses to create natively-rendered apps without affecting user experiences.

Companies utilize React Native

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Uber
  • Walmart
  • Pinterest
  • Tesla

Pros & Cons of React Native app development


Fast refresh

React Native development incorporates a 0.61 version, a new feature, and a fast refresh- it combines hot and live releases to enhance the developer experience.

Unified architecture

React native leverage the unified architecture, which allows developers to create native-like user interfaces for Android and IOS apps utilizing the same codebase.

Simplified UI

React native has a simplified user interface which can help to provide the best User experience while taking less time to load.


Poor Documentation

The documentation of react native is not Well-maintained and not even self-explanatory. Even the configuration installation steps are described insufficiently, and it has no official documentation for CI/CD.

Compatibility and debugging issues

Despite many years of react native launch, it is still in the beta stage and is built utilising Java, C/C++ and JavaScript. So all the developers still have to confront compatibility and debugging issues. But there is a solution: Integrating Flipper, which has many debugging tools, can resolve the problems.

It isn’t a native one.

The same as a cross-platform solution, performance and UI experience won’t be precisely the same as native apps- relatively closer to them. Yet, it is easy to create a ‘native-feeling.’

What is Flutter development?

Flutter framework is created by Google, which is an open-source UI toolkit to build multi-platform and native mobile apps leveraging the single codebase.

Companies utilize Flutter

  • Google
  • Alibaba.com
  • Tencent
  • Emaar
  • Groupon
  • Dream 11

Pros & Cons of Flutter development


Fast development

Flutter provides quick development of a prototype or even fully develops an application. It is a great framework for building progressive and single-page web apps.

Customizable Widgets =Stunning app look!

It has a rich set of customized widgets that make an app look aesthetically pleasing.

Hot reload

It is an excellent feature that can provide quick compilation and ensures the best performance. It enables you to alter a widget or element, which can promptly make the changes in the UI app while making no changes in the application’s state.


DART= Learn it and then make it!

For Flutter development, developers first need to learn the expertise of DART, which requires additional effort and time.

Large file size

Smartphones have space constraints, so they may run out of space if the app is large in size. Usually, Flutter apps comprise large file sizes, which shows that they need large storage space, which the Flutter app lacks.

No third-party libraries

It doesn’t have third-party packages and libraries, so developers don’t integrate extra features and functionalities.

Head-to-head comparison: Flutter Vs React Native development

Both frameworks have their benefits and depend on your business requirements, which you can leverage to quantify your business growth. Here we will discuss the top comparisons of both frameworks so that it can be easy for your business to choose the right framework.

S.NOParametersFlutterReact Native
1.PerformanceHigh performance as it doesn’t involve bridging.Comparatively slow performance.
2.InstallationSlower as it can be added as a PATH variable using the command line.React Native app development allows faster installation than Flutter.
3.DocumentationMore comprehensive documentation to help developers easily set up the framework.Complicated Documentation as it doesn’t contain information about set up and command line tools.
4.Time to create an appIt can quickly develop Flutter apps due to its attractive hot reload feature, which can accelerate the development process by checking code in real time.Slow development in comparison to the Flutter framework.
5.Development supportIt can be used to build iOS, Android, Mac, Linux, Web and Windows.React Native can be utilize to create iOS and Android.
6.Testing & debugging tools It consists of numerous tools to test and debug applications at the widget, module & integration phases.Developers need to use third-party tools for testing and debugging.
7.PopularityFlutter development is gaining more popularity than React Native.React Native is popular, but Flutter wins the popularity game.
8.UI & development APINo third-party libraries dependency.Third-party libraries dependency.
9.AnimationsIt’s easy to implement attractive animationsIn React Native app development, it’s difficult to implement animations.
10.Learning CurveComponents are not adaptive and take time to learn.Quickly adaptive as developers know React or JavaScript.

In a Nutshell: Flutter Vs React Native development

Flutter and React Native app development discussion is a common buzz in the developer community. Both frameworks keep upgrading to win the development race. Both have their own benefits, and it entirely depends on your business needs. We have comprised a table below to make it easy for you to choose the right framework to develop your app.

FeaturesFlutterReact Native
Development time 
Community Support 
UI building 
Ease of installation 

Are you ready to make an immersive app that catches your users’ eyeballs? Then, hire a dedicated developer from Zenesys to accelerate your business growth.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.