What Is A B2B SaaS?

B2B platforms designed as SaaS are wholesale business solutions that offer companies software rental as a subscription service. Let’s figure out what their advantages are and in what cases a b2b system based on a b2b SaaS platform is the best choice for an enterprise.

What is a b2b SaaS platform?

B2b SaaS solutions work on the principle of Software-as-a-Service, as a cloud service with payment for the use of services. This is ready-made software for use from a browser online, allowing you to access the features of the service for a small fee.

E-mail services (Gmail, YandexMail,) or organizers and document services (Google Docs & Sheets, Evernote, ToDo, Trello) can be cited as an example of such solutions for widespread use. Here, the main functions of the products are available for free, while the subscription offers extended functionality, additional settings and services.

B2b cloud services, which are offered to the wholesale business by subscription, are primarily designed to automate work and reduce the operating costs of the enterprise. The main advantage of such products is the rapid implementation. Therefore, B2b Saas is ideal for startups as it allows companies with a small staff to achieve high efficiency and start making profits within 6-12 months.

B2B SaaS products are designed to be used remotely by multiple customers, and the user fee covers the costs of technical support, customization, and regular system updates provided by the service provider.

B2b SaaS solutions for business are systems for managing projects, sales, customer relations, and warehouses.

SaaS solution for wholesale business: advantages 

Cloud b2b SaaS products for business are designed to successfully complete the main tasks necessary for the company’s activities. They have a number of advantages:

Free Trial Period- 

The trial period is usually free. If the solution does not work, at this stage, you can safely refuse it and choose another product without losing anything.

Low cost- 

The cost of a subscription for several years of using a boxed b2b SaaS product will be much lower than the price of developing a custom product, for which you will also need to spend company resources on preparing requirements and technical specifications, finding a b2b developer and managing their work, designing and implementing a solution, testing and implementing. Add to this the costs of integration, maintenance, and customization of a custom product, which are already included in the subscription price of a b2b SaaS solution, and you will understand that the latter will always be more profitable. And not only because its implementation will cost less: but it will also take much less time while speeding up business processes.

Also, using the B2B Saas solution allows you to speed up the execution of an order by two or three times. So, an enterprise with 10 employees in the order support department and a salary of 50 thousand rubles each can save up to 2.5 million a year by automating 40% of the man-hours spent on processing incoming requests.

Comprehensive support- 

After purchasing a boxed product, the user company is not left alone with it. Implementation, onboarding, technical support, further development and timely updating of the system – all this is undertaken by the SaaS service provider. It should also be noted that in any case, supporting your own development will require monthly expenses of almost the same amount as the fee for a b2b SaaS solution – only in the case of the latter will this be the concern of the SaaS provider.

Launch and implementation are very fast – 

The B2b saas software can be launched and implemented within a few weeks. Compare this to custom development, which will take 6-8 months to build and launch, not counting the long post-launch troubleshooting period.

Fully tested- 

Due to the fact that the b2b SaaS system is tested by many users and tested on thousands of solutions in hundreds of companies, it almost never encounters overloads and drops. The work of B2b saas solutions is optimized and adjusted to the main requests of most wholesale companies.

A B2b SaaS product is more efficient than custom development: 

It best implements all the basic functions that a business needs. To launch it, there is no need to think about how to transfer business processes to the Internet and launch a solution from scratch without losing performance: SaaS has already done this in an optimal way based on the experience of hundreds of other companies.

Savings on staff jobs: 

The subscription service allows connecting a certain number of users with different levels of access. There is no need to pay for product installation on each working computer. In addition, company managers can work remotely, gaining access to the b2b SaaS system from anywhere in the world.

The B2b SaaS model implies the use of a ready-made web solution (software product) for rent – by subscribing to a tariff plan. The developer provides access to the product platform and a set of standard modules online directly through the browser.  

A B2B system entirely designed and developed for your business processes and taking into account the prospects for further development is the most flexible and optimal solution that allows you to fully automate B2B sales. However, you must be prepared for the fact that the development process is quite expensive both in terms of time and cost. Also, the service design stage will require the customer’s active participation. The solution can be a phased implementation of services, which allows you to stretch the costs over time.

It is important to approach the choice of a developer with full responsibility. The determining factors here will be the competence and experience of the contractor. The presence of IT specialists on the staff who can solve the tasks of building an IT architecture resistant to loads and threats will be an absolute plus. Also, the presence of programmers responsible for configuring the accounting system in the development team will be an advantage.

SaaS & Cloud Application Design and Development


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