How to use animation in your mobile App

As we know that animation can make your website or app more user friendly and creative and we know that the audience is more attracted by good? visuals , designs and interactive environment. If you apply animation in your mobile app, it becomes more attractive and? likable. Motion designs are very useful to understand the particular functions and features of your app’s elements. So, using motion designs and graphics in your app it impacts greatly.

Today’s post is all about how to successfully use animation in your mobile app. You get a proper idea how to use it and implement it to make your App more enticing.

Let’s dive in

Fundamental goal of motion design

First you have to know the benefits of UI animation and how it can turn nice app concepts into exceptional custom solutions.

Explain the logic

The most important task of any  animation is to help the user to understand the interface elements while navigating into the app. By using motion graphics, an app gives proper demonstration to the user so that the user can understand what is happening, it can also display the hierarchy of pages and screens.

Ensue user engagement

Animations for mobile apps can also be helpful to increase a user to take actions that are important for a business. For example, take post reactions on Facebook. It enables the user to react to a particular post and is crucial for business to ensure social interaction and engagement.

Provide a unique experience

In app animation can ensure an amazing and memorable user experience. Motion effects can also reinforce brand identity by highlighting the benefits provided by the specific brand  and fetching the brand’s value to customers.

 Let’s understand their place and function with your app.

Types of animation and peculiarities of their implementation.

Visual feedback

Visual feedback is important for any user interface. In the physical world, objects respond to our interaction with them. People expect the same responsiveness from app elements. App feedback form makes user feel in control whether it is audible and haptic. It also serves an easier  function that indicates that your app is working properly ! When a button grows or a swiped image moves in a definite  direction, it is clear that the app is doing something in response to the user input.

Function change

The function of an element changes when the user interacts with the element. Functional animations are often used with buttons switches icons toggles and other small design elements. According to the interaction the icon or an element changes

Structure and navigation

Most mobile apps have complex structures so it is the task of the designer to simplify the navigation as much as possible so that the user can understand the elements properly. Animation can be extremely  helpful for accomplishing this task.

For example;

Your animation source where an element is hiding a user, will be able to easily find it and easily navigate to your app.

Visual prompt

When the user navigates to your App for the first time, sometimes it is critical to understand the visuals of your app. It is especially important to offer visual cues when an app has an unpredictable pattern of interaction design. Animation drops hint about how to encrypt with app elements.

Fun animation

When designers want to make users fall in love with their products, they develop hand animations or we can say unique whiteboard animations to make an app more easy to use and understand.

System state

There are always a lot of processes happening backstage in your app, data is being downloaded from the server, calculations are taking place and so on, so your task is to make the app show the actual working of the processes. New users have to know the status of ongoing processes through visual signs. For example, when an audio recording is in progress the app screen Might show a moving audio track. simple animation should give 

Main principle of animation design

Now let’s understand the main principle of animation design to make successful animation. 

You need to remember these principles to achieve the goal. 


Shows that what your element consists of is light or heavy flat or multidimensional or rigid or flexible. It gives a proper idea to the users of how your UI elements interact with each other.

Trajectory of movement

You have to define the nature of movement. You must decide which impression you want of your gift and then stick with it. 


Timing is one of the most important considerations when designing animation. You have to use curves to make your object more natural. So you need to decide the exact timing according to the user’s actions.


Rhythm and animations perform the same function as it does in music and dance. It structures the motion using vitamin e or animation makes the look more natural.

Points to remember when implementing mobile app

1. Remember who the target audience is and design your mobile UI animation as a solution to their problems

2. Every single element of your animation has a rationale behind it.

3. To make your product stand out, strive for natural looking animation that mimics real world movement.

4. You should have to consult with developers at all the stages of your project.

This was all about this blog. You can take help from Essence Studios, we are always there with you. Good luck.?


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.