Structure of Personal Injury

The aftermath of accidents can be devastating, particularly if casualties lack the right support structure. Victims of accidents are left nursing physical, emotional, and emotional injuries?besides the financial burden they must bear. But did you know that you should be compensated by a person who causes your loss through their acts of negligence?

Personal injury is the body of law that helps address situations similar to yours. You might have been injured at work but your employer simply won?t pay up. If you live in Bakersfield, this is the time to seek legal help. You can start your healing journey by consulting a Bakersfield personal injury lawyer who will evaluate your situation and recommend the best way to get justice. So what is all about personal injury?

Personal Injury

In simple language, personal injury is the section of law dedicated to helping victims of accidents get justice and it addresses all manner of accidents, such as auto accidents, dog bites, medical malpractice, harmful products, toxic exposure, and much more. Accident casualties should be aware of the stages involved in personal injury when preparing for accident cases:

Bakersfield personal injury lawyer

Negotiate with the Faulting Party

Sometimes reasoning with your adversary works. It would be senseless to file an action against a faulting party when they are ready to cooperate. Let them know that they?re responsible for your injuries and that they should compensate you. For instance, if you?ve been bitten by a dog, the owner of that dog is held responsible. Likewise, a company is responsible for employees? injuries at the workplace. Sometimes the responsible parties are uncooperative, and that?s the time to consider legal action.

Consult an Attorney

When you?ve tried reasoning with the faulting party and failed, it?s time to move things a notch higher?through a legal process. You should start the process by consulting not only a lawyer but a personal injury lawyer because they?re better-placed to offer the right legal advice thanks to their expertise in personal injury law.

General attorneys can partially help but they might not be fully effective in such cases. It?s just like consulting a dentist for an eye problem. The dentist can offer general advice but an optician would be an appropriate go-to solution for your eye. A personal injury lawyer will evaluate the facts of your case and file legal action to initiate a recovery process.

Pre-Filing Stage

 The lawyer might act as a voice of reason and try to initiate dialogue with the faulting party but if a solution isn?t forthcoming at this stage, the lawyer can file legal action.

Pleading Stage

The defendant or a plaintiff files a complaint to initiate a court action. The accused party is summoned by the court and is expected to respond within 30 days. Failing to respond attracts other charges.


This is where the facts surrounding a case are introduced to the court to bring the jury and all stakeholders up to speed to help everyone read from the same script during the trial stage. Also, it?s at this stage each side learns about the other party, including strengths and weaknesses, for adequate preparation.


The trial stage is where the court is heard by the jury (court). Evidence submitted and facts presented are evaluated by the jury after which, they (jury) deliberate and a ruling is passed.


A case can stop after the trial stage, although it proceeds to the post-trial stage if either party to the case is dissatisfied with the ruling. The post-trial stage is where the dissatisfied party appeals the ruling.

Compensation for Accident Injuries

Accident casualties are entitled to compensation and the recoverable damages depend on the severity of injuries. The damages can include:

  • Out-of-pocket expenses;
  • Lost wages;
  • Lost earning potential;
  • Medical expenses, including treatment procedures, therapy costs, and transport medical facilities.
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Future expenses and losses.

Qualities of Competent Attorneys

The qualities of a good attorney include:

Should be Role Models

Lawyers are highly regarded individuals in society and they must live up to that to promote public confidence. Besides that, they must be:

  • Reliable and trustworthy.
  • Honest and confident.

Positive Influence

Competent lawyers must influence and motivate their clients positively by reassuring them even when the case appears hopeless.

Organizational Skills

Good organizational skills promote efficiency. The lawyer can update clients on progress made and what?s remaining. Good organization skills include:

  • File management proficiency.
  • Time management.
  • Excellent Communicator
  • Competent lawyers should be proficient, written and verbal, in English or the language of communication.
  • Comfortable with emails, video calls, telephones, and audio calls.

You?re entitled to recover damages for injuries resulting from the negligence of another party. A personal injury lawyer can help you initiate a legal process for the recovery of damages for your loss.


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