How to Properly Wash Your Salon Aprons

salon aprons

Washing Your Salon ApronsĀ 

Salon aprons are an essential part of maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in a salon environment. Salon aprons are regularly exposed to hair, chemicals, and other salon products, which can carry bacteria and germs. By not washing salon aprons regularly, you risk the spread of bacteria, germs, and other harmful substances. This can pose a risk to the health and safety of both clients and staff.

Additionally, dirty and stained aprons can give the impression of an unclean and unprofessional salon. Regularly washing your salon aprons ensures that they are clean and hygienic, and helps maintain a professional and safe salon environment. Not only is it important to keep a clean and tidy salon, but it is also essential to protect the health and safety of your clients and staff. In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step process of how to properly wash your salon aprons.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Check the Label:

Before washing your salon aprons, it is essential to check the label for specific care instructions. Some aprons may require special handling, such as dry cleaning or hand washing. If the label is missing or faded, you can use common sense to determine the appropriate washing method. In most cases, salon aprons are made of durable materials that can withstand a regular wash cycle.

  • Pre-Treatment:

Pre-treatment is the process of treating specific stains before washing. It is essential to pre-treat your salon aprons to ensure that stubborn stains do not set in during the wash cycle. Common pre-treatment methods include using a stain remover or soaking the apron in a mixture of water and detergent for several hours.

  • Wash Cycle:

Choosing the right wash cycle is crucial in ensuring that your salon aprons are properly cleaned. For salon aprons, it is recommended to use a regular wash cycle with warm water and a mild detergent. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach, as this can damage the fabric and cause color fading. Additionally, be mindful of overloading your washing machine as this can affect the quality of cleaning.

  • Drying Process:

The drying process is equally important as the washing process. It is essential to properly dry your salon aprons to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. After the wash cycle is complete, remove the aprons from the washing machine immediately and hang them to air dry. Avoid using a dryer as it can damage the fabric and shrink the aprons.

Storing Your Aprons as a Salon Professional

As a salon owner, it is essential to properly store your salon aprons to ensure their longevity and cleanliness. Here are some tips on how to store your salon aprons:

  • Designate a specific storage area: Create a designated storage area for your salon aprons. This can be a separate closet or drawer specifically for aprons. By having a designated area, it will help keep the aprons organized and easy to access when needed.
  • Ensure proper ventilation: Proper ventilation is crucial in preventing the growth of mold and bacteria. Make sure that the storage area has adequate air circulation to prevent musty odors and bacterial growth.
  • Use hangers: Hang your salon aprons on individual hangers to prevent wrinkles and creases. This also makes it easier to see which apron is clean and ready to use.
  • Separate clean and dirty aprons: Keep clean and dirty aprons separated to prevent cross-contamination. Consider using different colored hangers or labels to differentiate between clean and dirty aprons.
  • Wash and rotate regularly: It is essential to regularly wash your salon aprons and rotate them to ensure that they are properly cleaned and maintained. Consider having a set schedule for washing and rotating aprons to keep them fresh and hygienic.

By following these tips, you can properly store your salon aprons and maintain a clean and hygienic salon environment. Remember to designate a specific storage area, ensure proper ventilation, use hangers, separate clean and dirty aprons, and wash and rotate regularly.

Should you Wash Your Salon Aprons with Other Clothing?

It is generally not recommended to wash your salon aprons with other clothing. Salon aprons are often exposed to chemicals, hair, and other salon products that can leave residue and stains on the fabric. These substances can transfer onto other clothing during the wash cycle, potentially damaging or staining the garments.

In addition, washing salon aprons with other clothing can also increase the risk of cross-contamination and spread of bacteria or germs. It is best to wash salon aprons separately from other clothing items to ensure they are properly cleaned and do not contaminate other clothing.

If you must wash your salon aprons with other clothing, make sure to use a separate wash cycle with a mild detergent and avoid overloading the washing machine. It is also recommended to pre-treat any stains on the aprons before washing to prevent them from setting in during the wash cycle. However, for best results and to maintain the longevity of your salon aprons, it is recommended to wash them separately from other clothing.


In conclusion, it is crucial to properly wash your salon aprons to maintain a clean and hygienic salon environment. By following the step-by-step guide, you can ensure that your aprons are properly cleaned and maintained. Proper cleaning of your salon aprons not only protects the health and safety of your clients and staff but also ensures that your salon maintains a professional image. Remember to always check the label, pre-treat, choose the right wash cycle, and properly dry your salon aprons.