Thinking about getting a plastic surgery, but have questions in mind. Don’t know where to start ? Then this is the guide for you.
What is the difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery?
Plastic surgery is performed to correct the condition due to wounds, infections or blemishes that are the result of accidents and injuries of various kinds, for example to heal burns, bedsores or leg ulcers and to repair the consequences after such wounds. It is also performed to correct congenital malformations of various kinds. It is also performed to build up breasts in women who have lost their breasts due to cancer.

It is often covered by health insurance or social security. Beautification treatment, on the other hand, are performed with the aim of beautifying or improving the appearance or restoring a younger appearance. Individuals seeking such treatment are not considered to be ill or to have suffered any injuries or accidents.Prime examples are nose job or facelift etc. Social security does not contribute to the cost of such measures.
Are there plastic surgery and beauty treatments for anyone?
People with an infection, ailment or illness after illness such as cancer or people who are struggling with the consequences of accidents, injuries or illnesses often need plastic surgery. In such circumstances, they are entitled to plastic surgery, if applicable, with the participation of social security. The need for such an operation is usually quite obvious and is more often than not part of the person’s medical treatment. Beautification procedures, on the other hand, are more individual and not always as obvious. However, many individuals can benefit from a variety of cosmetic procedures, especially if the problem to be treated is well defined and defined.
How best to prepare for surgery?
After the plastic surgeon has reviewed the problem and the operation has been decided, he will give you instructions on how to prepare for the operation. It states how long you should fast before surgery, as well as advice on quitting or stopping smoking and possibly stopping the intake of certain medicines and supplements. This may include instructions for hygiene and disease control. It is important to follow these instructions completely. It is generally good to be well rested and in the best possible physical condition when it comes to surgery.
Why is smoking discouraged among patients, before and after surgery?
Smokers are usually asked to stop smoking for two weeks before and one week after surgery. Reason being that it inhibits the healing process and wounds take longer to heal. It is a known fact that complications of surgery are much more common in smokers both during and after surgery.
How is pain relief ensured during surgery?
Actions are performed either under anesthesia, anesthesia or intermediate between these two analgesic methods. In that case, it is anesthesia with the administration of sedatives. The analgesic method depends to some extent on the scope of the operation, the age of the person and various other factors. Sometimes the method used may depend on the person’s wishes. This is usually decided and completed in an interview days or weeks before the operation takes place.
What kind of professionals take care of anesthesia and wake-up after anesthesia?
Anesthesiologists provide anesthesia without exception. Nursing supervision is in the hands of nurses and anesthesiologists jointly.
Are there any problems with beautification?
Problems and complications that can occur, of course, depend on the operation involved. Common to dry operations, however, is that in most cases some scars are left in more or less prominent places. Everything is done, however, to make the arrow as conspicuous as possible. The degree to which a scar is likely to vary also varies from person to person. The risk of bleeding and infections is to some extent associated with all operations to varying degrees, although depending on the nature and extent of the operation. In some cases, temporary discomfort may also accompany anesthesia, such as nausea, dizziness, etc. To reduce the risk of problems, it is important to follow the plastic surgeon’s advice and take the medication he recommends.
Is it common for cuts to leave visible scars?
All functions leave an arrow. In many cases, however, the scars can be placed in inconspicuous or even invisible places. All technology and knowledge is applied to make the arrow as conspicuous as possible. The appearance of a scar, however, is by no means determined solely by the technique used, nor by the way in which the person in question forms a scar. Some form beautiful and inconspicuous scars, while others have coarser and thicker scars and some get so-called. overgrowth in the scar. The appearance of the scar can in most cases be improved later if necessary by various means, but the appearance of the scar can by no means be foreseen.
Can I take painkillers after surgery?
It is not advisable to take aspirin-containing painkillers for the first few days after surgery as it thins the blood and increases the risk of bleeding and bruising, such as magnyl. Other painkillers are used after operations that do not thin the blood, such as paracetamol, parkodin, etc.
What is the common recovery time after cosmetic surgery?
Recovery time depends on the size and extent of the procedure and the person’s physical condition. The recovery time can therefore be from a few days up to a few weeks, depending on the scope and nature of the operation.

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