Navigating the ACRA XBRL Filing System in Singapore

BizFinx Preparation Tool,

Ensuring transparency and efficiency in financial reporting is a cornerstone of regulatory compliance and business integrity. In Singapore, the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) mandates the use of eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) for the filing of financial statements. This move is aimed at streamlining processes, enhancing the quality of financial information, and facilitating better analysis of data. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist company directors, finance professionals, and stakeholders in effectively navigating the ACRA XBRL filing system, thereby ensuring compliance and improving reporting standards.

Understanding XBRL Filing Requirements

XBRL is a standardized format for electronically tagging financial data, which enables the accurate and efficient reporting of financial information. In Singapore, ACRA employs two main XBRL taxonomies, which are differentiated based on the company’s incorporation date and operational size. These taxonomies are critical as they dictate the specific filing requirements for businesses.

  • Taxonomy 2016 is applicable to companies incorporated before April 1, 2016. It categorizes companies according to the accounting standards they use.
  • Taxonomy 2020 is pertinent to companies incorporated on or after April 1, 2016, and categorizes them based on operational size.

ACRA outlines specific filing requirements based on company type and size, determining which entities are required to file full XBRL financial statements. Detailed information on filing obligations, including exemptions and specific documents to be filed, is available on the ACRA website. Understanding these requirements is crucial for ensuring compliance and optimizing the reporting process.

Preparing for XBRL Filing

Effective preparation for XBRL filing involves several key steps:

  1. Utilize the BizFinx Preparation Tool: ACRA provides the BizFinx Preparation Tool, a software designed to help companies convert their financial data into the XBRL format. This tool is essential for mapping financial statement line items to the corresponding tags within the relevant ACRA Taxonomy.
  2. Gather Necessary Financial Data: Financial data for the XBRL filing is typically derived from the annual general meeting (AGM) financial statements. These statements, usually available in Microsoft Word or Excel format, contain the financial information that needs to be tagged and reported.
  3. Map Financial Statements to XBRL Tags: Using the BizFinx tool, map the line items in your financial statements to the corresponding tags within the ACRA Taxonomy. This step is crucial for ensuring the data is accurately represented in the XBRL format.
  4. Complete the BizFinx Template: Fill in all tabs and data fields in the BizFinx template accurately. If certain information is not disclosed in the AGM financial statements, leave those data fields blank.

Navigating the ACRA XBRL Filing System

Filing XBRL financial statements through ACRA’s online portal involves a series of steps:

  1. Access the ACRA Portal: Log in securely using Singpass or CorpPass credentials.
  2. Choose the Appropriate Filing Category: Select the filing category based on your company’s size and filing requirements as outlined by ACRA.
  3. Upload the XBRL File: Upload the XBRL file generated from the completed BizFinx template. It’s important to review the uploaded file thoroughly to ensure its accuracy before submission.

Additional Tips and Resources

  • Start Early: Begin the preparation process early to avoid last-minute complications and ensure timely submission.
  • Use the Validation Function: The BizFinx tool includes a validation function to check your XBRL file for errors before submission. Utilizing this function can save time and prevent issues during the filing process.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: For complex issues or uncertainties, consider seeking professional advice from an accountant or financial advisor familiar with XBRL filing.
  • Explore ACRA Resources: ACRA provides several helpful resources, including the XBRL Filing and Resources page, the BizFinx Preparer’s Guide, and contact information for the ACRA XBRL Helpdesk. These resources are invaluable for anyone involved in the XBRL filing process.


Navigating the complexities of the ACRA XBRL filing system is a crucial task for ensuring regulatory compliance and enhancing the transparency and efficiency of financial reporting in Singapore. Understanding XBRL filing requirements, preparing effectively using the BizFinx Preparation Tool, and utilizing the available resources are essential steps toward achieving a smooth and accurate filing process. However, for many companies, particularly those with extensive financial data or limited in-house expertise, managing XBRL filings can be challenging and time-consuming.

This is where DataTracks can play a pivotal role in simplifying your XBRL reporting and filing with ACRA. DataTracks offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to assist companies in their XBRL reporting requirements, ensuring that financial statements are accurately converted into the XBRL format and comply with ACRA’s regulations.


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