8 Indefinite Factors Influencing Custom Mobile App Development Cost

    Mobile App Development

    2020?s potboiler is ?Yesterday?s Luxuries are Today?s Necessities? – this statement holds true for customized mobile apps.

    Making the above statement irrevocable, it?s rightly said: ?The mobile app has curated an irreplaceable place for your amusement to education?. Moreover, looking at the list I have clutched below, helps in defining how phone-centric our lives have become.

    #DIDYOUKNOW 1: Consumers downloaded 204 billion apps in 2019.

    #DIDYOUKNOW 2: The number of apps downloads in 2022 is expected to cross the 250 billion marks. 

    #DIDYOUKNOW 3: Presently, there are over 592 million apps daily download for mobile apps across the globe. 

    #DIDYOUKNOW 4: Social media is the most app downloaded category. As by April 2020, 2 billion users were using Watsapp Messenger app on a monthly basis.

    #DIDYOUKNOW 5:The Apple iPhone store has 500 million weekly visits. Undoubtedly, this increasing number of iOS apps has risen the need to hire iPhone app developer for business to sail the behemoth wave well.

    #DIDYOUKNOW 6: The last but definitely, not the unskippable one is the ?Revenue?. According to Statista, the revenue through mobile app downloads has reached $581.9 billion with 2 time manifold to approximately $935.2 billion by 2023. 

    But, amid all the alluring facts and stats, the question to uncover is what making people slow down from actually executing an effective and efficient mobile app for their business?

    Is it not knowing how to plan and budget for them?

    Or, perplexed about choosing the right app development company for your app?

    Don?t worry! Answer to your every question is here!

    I understand the onus every client struggle with getting their arms around the scope and the final cost rundown for a mobile app project, just because of its distinctive needs. It?s essential for you to know some parameters before engaging with a technology partner while shopping for a business quote.

    • What and how many features will the app have?
    • Which will be launched in the first version?
    • Will it be hybrid or native mobile app development?
    • Which platform – iOS or Android?

    Also, the required development team will consist of which proficients means the number and member themselves: quality analyst, software engineers, project engineers, designers, developers, etc.?

    So, all these factors leave an effect on mobile app development cost. And, not only these ones, indeed project complications, hourly rates, customer?s requirements have an equivalent momentum on defining the value of the app.

    But, among the flooded option, how will you define the crucial drivers of the mobile applications development cost?

    Here Goes The Funnelling Of The Most Decisive Points For Defining The Cost Of Mobile App Development.


    As the cliche goes, the operating system that your mobile app will run on will be Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry. And, without any thought, it heavily influences the cost of mobile app development process much before the inception.

    • Which niche you have in your mind for the app?
    • Who is going to be the target audience?

    There are many, but these two most of the crucial questions answers will determine your selection of the app platform exponentially affecting your app development cost.

    A Reminder: Keep in mind that it?s your choice of mobile app development platform determining the versions of the Operating System, as well. While partnering with Android app development company for your project will go from Jelly Bean to Nougat, from KitKat to Marshmallow and Lollipop. Whereas, with iOS development, you can choose from a version between 9, 10 and 11.  

    2.Functionality and Purpose Of App

    Simply, because mobile apps dwell from an expansive space, the primary purpose of the app often attracts the big development budget, determining mobile app development cost analysis. For instance, a small calculator app used for a specific niche business function will need a much lower investment in comparison to enterprise-wide support apps for a global sales force.

    So, keep in mind to partner with a team to accomplish consensus around the following questions:

    • Is the app solely intended for public use? If yes, that?s good, and if not, then what?s the subset of the population will utilize the app? Is the app sketched for internal use only? If it?s a yes, what are the internal users that will use the app?
    • What is the core objective of the users to achieve by interacting with the app? Examples like the speed of ordering time, find close-by distribution centres, pulling off the current documents and the list goes on. 

    3.Usage Of Visual Objects

    Often, the client desires to consist of complex UI elements resulting in a much more beautiful and easier User Experience. It is for sure to make your app utilize and use the real-time 3D graphics, sophisticated visual transitions, animations, and numerous objects animating at the same moment.

    All these features are probably going to cost you a colossal! But, if you hire mobile app developers that are experienced and proficient in their arena.

    This will surely have an everlasting impact on the native vs hybrid app development decision mentioned above as cross-platform app development can?t reap the advantages of hardware-accelerated user Interfaces.

    4.Specific Back-end and API Development Needs

    Do you really require an API?

    A scalable and dynamic back-end for your app?s content and data?

    Or better to say, would a primary cloud-based server fits your needs or does require a middleware layer developed as well?

    So, without any further ado, start analyzing all these variables and knowingly make your specific choices: all back-end and API requirements will finally bubble up to the mobile app development company costs for it.

    5.Number Of Screens Integrated Into your App

    How many screens do you think of integrating into your future mobile app?

    The answer to this specific question is highly leveraging by the ?Palette? of features that you want to get incorporated into your next mobile app. The more of them, the more screens will require to be implemented. And, for sure the price is going to be towards a higher side.

    Your development team?s invested resources of time and effort will be directly proportional to the number of screens you will request from them.

    In simple language, be 100% sure that each and every specific feature that you wish to embed in your app is relevant, and it acts as an added feather in your hat.

    So, there is no more need to overcrowd your app with lots and lots of screens crammed with non-essential features.

    6.Maintenance Plan

    Once your mobile enterprise applications are launched and deployed, you can?t just pat yourself on the back. You need to think about a maintenance plan from the very inception stage and factor it into costs as a specific percentage. This plan should consist of what new features and functionalities will come into existence, and when.

    Of course, this plan should include what new features and functionalities will be welcomed and when. There is an arms race going on between operating systems, and it?s crucial to keep apps up to date with every new release (minimum at the year). Plan to proactively update the app or face the fact that it?s going to become irrelevant and eliminated by the users. This plan should go hand in hand with your overall digital strategy, helping you stay ahead of the digital trajectory. 

    7.Native Or Hybrid Mobile App? What?s Your Call? 

    And, it?s undeniable that each type of mobile app comes with its own pros and cons:

    • Native Mobile: App stands out in the crowd in terms of performance and comes wrapped with an extensive array of functionalities; yet, do assume a high mobile app development cost (and a longer development cycle, too)
    • Cross-platform app development: These mobile apps get developed and running in no time, across multiple platforms, so they are much more pocket-friendly; still they do not ?rock? in terms of performance, nor do they match up to the UX standards as regards to the native ones. 

    The choice is purely depending upon on your own entire priorities: outstanding performance and a full range of functionalities vs versatility and lower costs…

    A Healthy Reminder: Irrespective to add that there are other aspects related to your app-specific type – initial functionality app, app depending on the device?s hardware, data-driven app – all these factors affect the initial to final cost rundown along with selecting the Android and iPhone app development company.

    8.The Indefinite Security Feature

    And, of course, how can you turn a blind eye to the security aspect?

    You need to give this aspect a consideration. With payment gateways integrated into your future apps and loads of confidential user data being managed here, you can?t stand a chance to underrate the security aspect.

    It goes without saying!

    The mobile app development cost will get influenced by the specific security features that you will integrate.

    So, Finally, you are aware now!

    A bigger investment to your app development is probably ending up like delivering a more prosperous and interactive yet intuitive product that will hail long and remains true to your vision.

    After all, in all the scenario, choosing a mobile app development company with a proven track record and adherence to delivering the best security and assurance without breaking your budget ultimately pay off.


    As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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