Resolving Boundary Disputes: Legal Solutions for Real Estate Owners

real estate property lawyers

Owning a piece of property is a significant investment, and ensuring clear boundaries is essential to avoid disputes with neighbors. Unfortunately, boundary disagreements can arise, leading to tense situations between property owners. In this article, the legal remedies available to landowners involved in boundary disputes will be covered. By being knowledgeable of the many stages of the settlement process, you can protect your property rights and maintain good relations with your neighbours.

Understanding the Source of Boundary Disputes:

Boundary disputes often stem from unclear property lines, conflicting surveys, or historical disagreements. Identifying the root cause is crucial in determining the appropriate legal solution.

Reviewing Property Deeds and Surveys:

The first step in resolving a boundary dispute is to thoroughly examine property deeds and surveys. Deeds provide information on property ownership and boundaries, while surveys map out the exact measurements and layout of the land. These documents serve as crucial evidence in determining property boundaries.

Communication and Neighborly Discussion:

In some cases, boundary disputes can be resolved through amicable discussions with neighbors. Engaging in open communication and sharing information from deeds and surveys can often lead to mutual understanding and resolution.


If speaking with the neighbour directly does not produce an acceptable result, mediation may be a good option. A mediator, a third person who is impartial, helps the parties communicate and come to a fair compromise.

Boundary Agreements and Easements:

Sometimes, property owners can reach a boundary agreement, specifying the exact property lines and any shared rights or easements. Drafting a legally binding boundary agreement can help prevent future disputes.

Adverse Possession Claims:

In some cases, a party may claim adverse possession, arguing that they have used a portion of the property openly and exclusively for a certain period, which can vary by jurisdiction. Adverse possession claims can be complex and require legal expertise to determine their validity.

Quiet Title Actions:

If the boundary dispute involves multiple property owners with conflicting claims, a quiet title action can be pursued. This legal proceeding aims to establish clear ownership and resolve conflicting interests in the property.

Boundary Line Adjustment or Relocation:

In some situations, property owners may opt for a boundary line adjustment or relocation with the agreement of all parties involved. This process legally modifies the property lines to prevent future disputes.

Seeking Legal Representation:

Navigating a boundary dispute can be legally intricate, and it’s essential to seek the guidance of a real estate law firm experienced in handling such cases. A knowledgeable attorney can provide advice, protect your rights, and advocate on your behalf during negotiations or legal proceedings.

Litigation and Court Resolution:

If all previous attempts at discussion are unsuccessful, a lawsuit may be necessary to address the border problem. Real estate owners may present their case in court, and the judge will finally make a decision based on the evidence and applicable laws.

Boundary Surveys and Expert Witnesses:

In contentious boundary disputes, hiring a professional land surveyor can be beneficial. Conducting a new boundary survey can help clarify property lines and provide authoritative evidence in court. Additionally, expert witnesses, such as surveyors or real estate appraisers, can offer specialized insights to support your case.

Boundary Line Fences and Markers:

Consider erecting physical boundary line fences or markers to clearly demarcate property lines. However, ensure that you comply with local zoning and property laws before installing any structures.

Title Insurance Policies:

Review your title insurance policy, as it may provide coverage for boundary disputes. Consult with your title insurance company to understand the scope of your coverage and how it applies to your specific situation.

Preservation of Evidence:

Throughout the dispute resolution process, ensure you preserve all relevant evidence, including documents, photographs, and communication with neighbors. Organizing and cataloging this evidence can strengthen your case during negotiations or legal proceedings.


Resolving boundary disputes requires a combination of clear communication, thorough examination of property documents, and sometimes legal intervention. Whether through amicable agreements, mediation, or court proceedings, property owners can find a resolution that upholds their property rights and fosters neighborly relationships. Seeking legal assistance early in the process can provide valuable guidance and increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome in these often complex legal matters. Additionally, leveraging boundary surveys, expert witnesses, and preserving evidence can contribute to a successful resolution, allowing property owners to protect their investments and maintain peace within the community.