Choosing the Right Surgeon for Laser Cataract Surgery

laser cataract surgery

Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in people over 40 and are the top reason for blindness today. Estimates suggest that approximately 100 million eyes worldwide suffer from cataracts by 2020. 

If you have been diagnosed with cataracts, the only way to improve your vision is through cataract surgery. The surgery involves removing and replacing the cloudy lens with an artificial alternative. In past years, surgery was done by hand. However, in recent years, it has become possible to perform surgery by using laser technology to make the incision into the cornea to access the natural lens, soften the clouding, break it up, and restore improved vision to the patient. This makes avoiding total lens replacement and the linked risks and complications possible. 

When undergoing your treatment, it is essential to be relaxed and confident. If you have chosen laser cataract surgery, selecting a skilled and experienced surgeon is crucial. Let’s explore cataracts more and how to choose the right surgeon for laser cataract surgery.

What is a Cataract?

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, an area that lies behind the iris and pupil. This lens is specifically designed from a combination of protein and water. In unaffected eyes, the protein is arranged so that we can see clearly. However, with age, there is a tendency for protein cells to start clumping together. This is the starting phase of cataract development, and over time, more and more protein cells may add to this accumulation, causing a section of clouding that becomes larger and denser.

The proteins inside our eyes do this after reaching a certain age, which is a mystery. However, some risk factors have been identified that could elevate your probability of developing the condition. These factors include:

  • Excessive exposure to UV light
  • Diagnosis of diabetes
  • Diagnosis of hypertension
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Smoking
  • Prolonged use of corticosteroid medications
  • Use of statins to lower cholesterol
  • Significantly high alcohol consumption
  • Previous eye surgery
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Family history of cataracts

Steps to Choose the Right Surgeon for Laser Cataract Surgery

Choosing a certified and skilled surgeon is essential to feel relaxed and confident throughout the procedure and get the best possible result. Here are the seven steps to consider while selecting a surgeon for laser cataract surgery. 

  1. Get the Correct Diagnosis

Before committing to any surgery or doctor, ensure that an eye care specialist or ophthalmologist provides the correct cataract diagnosis. Depending on the location of the cataracts in the lens, there are three types: nuclear sclerotic cataracts, cortical cataracts, and posterior subcapsular cataracts. You may have one of the following: diagnosing and knowing which type of cataract you have is essential.

  1. Consult with your Regular Eye Doctor First

Although not all eye care providers can perform laser cataract surgery, asking your usual eye care professional is always advisable. Even if your doctor can’t offer the treatment themselves, they may be able to recommend a local surgeon who can.

  1. Draw up a Shortlist

You can use the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s website to locate a reputable eye doctor near you. AAO is not just a resource for physicians – it’s a resource for people to learn about eye disorders and find the country’s best ophthalmologists. Use the Find an Ophthalmologist tool to search for the best surgeon in your area.

  1. Discuss your Case

This is an excellent opportunity to check out the facility, see how the staff treats you and other patients, and obtain all the information you need before your procedure. Ask how many laser cataract surgeries they have performed and their success rate. Trust your gut instinct; if something feels off or you get a bad vibe from the staff, move on to the next clinic on your list.

  1. Gauge their Experience 

Experience is crucial in determining a surgeon’s proficiency in laser cataract surgery. Seek a surgeon with a substantial track record of successfully conducting such procedures. Experienced surgeons are often more adept at handling unexpected complications and ensuring optimal outcomes.

  1. Check their Credentials and Qualifications

The foundation of a capable surgeon begins with their education, training, and certifications. Look for a board-certified surgeon with specific expertise in cataract and refractive surgery. Credentials assure their commitment to maintaining high standards of practice and continuous education in their field.

  1. Ask Questions

If you can’t respond satisfactorily to all your questions, your proposed eye surgeon isn’t fulfilling their duty of care to you. Any respectable doctor will happily answer your questions clearly and concisely and be committed to alleviating your concerns using precise facts and a suitable bedside manner.

Final Word

Researching the right surgeon before typing “ laser cataract surgeons near me” into your browser is vital. Follow the above suggestions about what you should look for in a surgeon for your laser cataract surgery.