At What Age Kids Can Get Ear Piercing?

best time for kids to get ear piercings

Some parents prefer getting ear piercings done at the earliest age possible. Some would like their child to reach toddlerhood, while some believe it’s their child’s choice, it’s not up to them to decide on their behalf. Whichever group you’re in, the shared expectation for all of these is safety and precaution. The entire experience should be safe and memorable for all parties involved. Having said this, we’ll provide valuable insights on ear piercing and explore the age at which kids can get ear piercings

What is the best age for ear piercing?

When it comes to the exact and specific time to have your child’s ears pierced, there isn’t a precise rule. However, there are certain considerations you should make for the following ages.


An infant is a child from birth to one year, and it’s not uncommon to see babies with their ears pierced. It’s a cultural practice in many countries. Also, one of the reasons parents decide to pierce the ears during infancy is minimal pain and lesser risk that a child will play with their earrings. The only rule here is to proceed with this decision after a child has received the necessary vaccinations.


When babies reach the age of two, they are considered toddlers. Toddlerhood lasts from the age of two until the age of four. If you wait until your child personally agrees, the entire process can be positive. The child can be more aware of the process, they can communicate any pain or discomfort with ease. Overall, this can be an entirely pleasant experience during this age.

Early childhood

Children aged five to ten can easily express their thoughts on having their ears pierced. During this time, children are constantly balancing between agreeableness and autonomy. If they agree, you can talk to them freely and openly about this procedure. Or, if they express autonomy and request to go to kids ear piercing treatment, it’s your task to take them to a skilled professional. Let them choose the type of earrings and let the professional talk to them directly about the aftercare and how long until they can replace the earrings.

The teenage years

The teenage years come with a lot of challenges. Sometimes, it won’t be about having their ears pierced, it can be a form of self-expression. But, if they decide to get their ears pierced at this age, they can be fully responsible for aftercare. Surely, if this is a sudden decision, look into the fact that they might be hanging out with someone who has several piercings and whether this decision is peer pressure or the influence of peers.

5 Additional steps to consider

The safety

Safety is an essential step, no matter the age of your child. Firstly, don’t take your child to a piercing studio before you check the location yourself. Ensure the entire treatment is done under sterile conditions in a clean environment. Also, get to know the risks, how to deal with infections and what is needed to minimise them.

The right type of earrings

When it comes to earrings, they have to be of surgical-grade material. Depending on their stock, the studio will recommend several options or only one. You should listen to them and use only the safe earring type that won’t cause any allergies. Once the piercing heels, approximately after eight weeks, which can sometimes last up to six months, you’ll be free to change the earrings.

The aftercare

The aftercare is crucial, and it’s not age-specific. The only difference is that young kids can’t be responsible for this, and teenagers can. But, let’s say you, as a parent, are responsible for providing proper piercing aftercare. If you follow the instructions, you’ll prevent any complications and inflammations. Ensure ears are cleaned, earrings are cleaned, and the pierced area remains infection-free.

Open communication

Honest and open communication with your kid is essential to ensure trust and understanding of the process. Piercing can be an uncomfortable experience and even painful to some. Or, don’t say it won’t hurt because there will be a certain degree of uncomfortable sensation during the process. Validate your kid’s feelings and ensure the potential discomfort will disappear. Manage their expectations before, during and after the piercing treatment.

Respect your kid’s decision

As children grow and develop, they also develop their autonomy. If having their ears pierced is their decision, you should respect it as a parent. This respect also goes in the other direction – when a child decides against ear piercing. They might even decide to take their earrings out. In this situation, explain the results of such a decision and way the pros and cons of getting their ears pierced again in the future against taking care of healing ears for a bit longer until the discomfort fades away.

In this guide, we’ve discussed the different ages and the best time for kids to get ear piercings. Next, we’ve discussed five essential steps to consider and inform you of every step you need to take.