What are the common Help Desk Problems & How to find solution for these help desk Problems

common help desk problems

As an assistance work area proficient, you comprehend that clients may come to you for a wide scope of various reasons. In any case, after you’ve been at the gig for some time, you’ll begin to understand that a few issues re-happen on numerous occasions. This can get tedious as some IT geniuses become weary of fixing similar issues again and again.

Be that as it may, for other people, it’s invigorating. You’ve fathomed this issue multiple times and you realize you’ll have the option to illuminate it for this new client effortlessly. To put it plainly, you realize you’ll have the option to give incredible client assistance. Yet, what are the most well-known IT help work area issues? In this post, we’re going to take a gander at the various sorts of solicitations or issues you may experience and give you a few instruments to make your activity simpler.

So what’s causing the mistakes that IT geniuses need to manage? How about we plunge into these common help desk problems in more detail:

1. Printer Problems

While it unravels numerous an issue, not all issues can be fixed by “turning it now and again once more.” Looking at discussions in Spiceworks, trouble with adding printers appeared to be a tremendous test for end clients when all is said in done. Related: odd naming shows can make it difficult for clients to make sense of where a printer is and if it’s even accessible.

To lighten some printer torment, straightforward yet enlightening printer names are a beginning. You can likewise utilize contents that assist you with mechanizing the way toward including a printer and setting it as the system default. There are a lot of models in the Script Center of the Spiceworks Community that enable you to do things like include printers remotely.

Printers are the wellspring of many assistance work area issues.

2. Password situations, validation anguish

It’s not simply overlooking your secret key that can let clients bolted well enough alone for accounts any longer. There’s likewise the interoperability challenges that are exacerbated when a client changes their secret word (which is significant for security purposes), causing different applications to toss validation blunders, coming about in the feared “Viewpoint is requesting my secret key” tickets.

Changes to a space client account breaks verification for applications like Outlook. The issue happens in light of the fact that the old put away accreditations are not refreshed after the change, prompting a jumble at whatever point Outlook attempts to verify. Microsoft itself has given a manual for tackling this issue, recognizing that secret word torment is very normal. A valid example: this Spiceworks string about

3. Combatting ambiguity

A client presents a ticket with the title “Nothing works” ? where do you by any chance start? Plainly you need more data, yet what’s the most ideal approach? Rather than popping a vein worrying over the issue, take a stab at following a couple of fundamental advances that can assist you with getting to the base of any issue rapidly.

Joe Dissmeyer shared these rules on the best way to investigate any assist work area with ticketing by posing 5 basic inquiries:

  •  Is it accurate to say that anyone is else encountering this issue?
  •  Have you had this issue previously? Assuming this is the case, when?
  •  Has anything changed since this issue began?
  •  Do you experience this issue on another PC/gadget/arrange?
  •  What effect does this issue have on you, your group, or your area of expertise?

These inquiries help determine the issue (particularly in the event that you need more data to begin fixing the issue).

Help work area programming, for example, Spiceworks is the ideal supplement to settling any issue a client tosses your direction. Spiceworks gives you a great deal of adaptability for following issues like including custom fields and leaving notes on tickets, just as similarity with various additional items, multi-site backing, and self-administration entryways that make it simple for end clients to submit demands.

Frequently you’ll have circumstances/weeks/days where there is an issue that will influence everybody. It may be that an issue is making the web or system be moderate (or more terrible – not work by any stretch of the imagination). Or on the other hand it could be something totally unique. At the point when this occurs, the best activity (to chop down the quantity of solicitations and irate messages you get is to caution them to the issue before they alert you.

You should simply send an email out to tell them that:

  •  You realize the issue exists
  • What you intend to do to ?x it
  •   What they can do meanwhile
  •  When the issue has been settled, essentially send another email to tell them it’s completely ?xed.

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