How to Protect Your Eyes in This Digital Age

The digital age has brought about many positive changes in our daily lives and made them easier and more convenient. Despite its many positive sides, there are still drawbacks that come with an increased exposure to electronic devices and screens. While limiting the amount of time spent in front of a screen is a vital first step for preserving a healthy sight, there are other steps you can take to further protect your eyes in this digital age. Let?s take a look.

Get some protective computer eyewear

Cutting down on screen time isn?t that useful of advice when the majority of your day is spent working on a computer, either remotely or in an office. But given how you?re exposing your eyes to blue-light emitting devices even more than a regular individual, it makes it even more important to invest in some protective equipment.

eye strain headache

The truth is, blue light can lead to a number of eye vision problems, including dry eye and blurry vision. It also boosts alertness, which can result in various sleep issues. By investing in protective computer eyewear with anti-reflective lenses, you can counteract the negative, harmful effects of blue light.

Personalize all your digital devices

Computer eyewear can be an ideal tool in reducing symptoms of computer vision syndrome such as eye strain headache. Still, you can go a step further by personalizing your digital devices. Rather than leaving the device settings as is, feel free to modify them according to your personal preferences.

Start by adjusting the background color. Instead of keeping it too dark or bright white, switch to a cool gray since it?s easier on the eyes. Then, take steps to reduce the brightness of everything from your phone to your tablet to computer. Also, make sure to increase your font size too, as this will make reading the text easier and more convenient.

Go for regular eye exams

Having your eyes examined by an eye care professional is an integral part of maintaining an optimal eyesight. Regular eye exams are crucial for detecting any underlying conditions before they turn into bigger, more complex vision problems.

The thing is, many eye issues can go undetected because there are no warning signs you should watch out for. The good news? According to experts for LASIK surgery Atlanta, many vision problems can be treated effectively if discovered on time. Therefore, schedule your eye checks regularly ? even if your vision seems perfectly fine. Don?t leave anything to chance.

Rest and regular breaks are a must

Other than regular eye exams, you also want to make regular breaks a part of your routine. The truth is, many of us spend large chunks of our days using multiple devices without really giving our eyes a chance to rest. In fact, we?ll often switch from one device to another without allowing for that essential break in between.

The best way to go about this is to get into the habit of following the 20-20-20 rule. Basically, look at an object that?s 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds. Do so every 20 minutes, for as long as you?re using a particular electronic device.

Ditch bad habits such as smoking

While this is easier said than done, eliminating bad habits is a must for protecting your eyesight. If you?re someone who smokes on a daily basis, you may be hurting your eyes without you even knowing. Smoking has a detrimental effect on every part and organ in your body, and your eyes are no exception.

By making an effort to quit smoking, you can significantly reduce your risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. Other bad habits to ditch include rubbing your eyes, not getting enough rest, and not wearing sunglasses when you?re outside.

Watch what you eat

Bad habits aren?t the only contributors to an increased risk of serious eye conditions. Even a poor diet can vastly decrease your chances of maintaining an optimal eyesight down the road. On the other hand, a diet rich in vision-healthy foods goes a long way in helping you protect your eyes.

What this means is you can basically eat your way to healthy vision! Some of the nutrients to add to your diet for better eyesight include omega 3-fatty acids, antioxidants, and beta carotene.

Wrapping up

There?s no doubt that living in the digital age has made proper eye care more important than ever before. While it may feel inconvenient at times, protecting your eyes is a must for ensuring optimal vision in golden years. Stick with the tips above, and you can rest assured your eyesight will remain healthy for years to come.

Eve Anderson is a marketing specialist turned blogger. Interested in sports and exciting travel destinations. Love to share content that can inform people.


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