How To Clean Kitchen Faucets?

Kitchen faucets are a breeding place for mold, fungus, and lime build-ups. They should be cleaned at least once every couple of weeks. Cleaning your faucet is essential not only to get a good flow of water but also it gives your faucet a longer life. There are plenty of methods available on the internet on how to clean the faucets. But you don?t have to confuse yourself with all of the tips you see on the net.  

We are going to show you a quick and easy way to clean your kitchen faucet so you can do it all by yourself. 

Easy Tips to Clean your Kitchen Faucets?

To clean your kitchen faucets all you have to do is follow the given steps.

1. Purchase the required materials

You have to buy cleaning supplies to properly clean the best kitchen faucets. So, you can start by deciding on the finish for your faucet. It is always wise to begin by testing on the smaller portion of your product to ensure that it does not affect the finish of your faucet. There are numerous chemical cleaners available on the market that removes stubborn stains. However, you don?t need them for regular maintenance. Generally, you?ll need the following items where few might be available at home.?

  • Toothbrush
  • Soap
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • Gloves
  • Plastic bag
  • Cloth

2. Determine the focus area

First decide whether you want to target watermarks, mineral build-ups, corrosion, or do general cleaning because you will have to select different products depending on your focus.

For example, a toothbrush can be used to clean the nozzle or remove stubborn stains, but that is not necessary for fast cleaning. When you have completed the general cleaning of the tap, you can select additional products for the specific areas, such as salt accumulation.   

3. Begin with the faucet aerator/nozzle

To clean the nozzle first, you can make a quick DIY dough in your home. Start with a combination of equal measurements of white vinegar and water in a plastic bag. Soak your faucet head in the bag and fasten it with elastics to keep it in place. Let it soak for a couple of hours or a whole night. 

After that, remove the bag and rinse the contents in the drain. Brush the nozzle with an old toothbrush to eliminate mineral build-ups. Use cold water in the sink to ensure that the vinegar and the mineral accumulations have been washed. 

4. Analyse the surface

For normal cleaning, you can just wipe down your faucet with a cloth soaked in dish soap and water. With white vinegar and water mixture, you can scrub away any salt settlement.  

To remove stubborn marks, make a paste of water and baking soda and scrub the area with a toothbrush. Any excess build-ups if found can be washed away with water. To remove the watermarks, wipe the faucet with a clean and dry cloth. 

5. Inspect the drain

You should also check with your drains often just like the faucets as they remove dirty water is removed from your sink. While large pieces of food particles can easily clog a drain, tree root growth or cracks and holes in the pipe can also cause water to be backed up or make the water drain slowly.

If you have any questions or have a major drainage problem, get in touch with a professional. Before using chemicals, do your homework as some of these can damage your septic system. Be sure to inspect your drains regularly to prevent future plumbing problems.

Easy Ways to Clean a Faucet 

1. Carrying out basic maintenance

Smudges – Small smudges can be easily removed without the use of a cleaning solution. Most soft stains should be removed by simply wiping the faucet down with a wet rag. Always wipe the faucet dry after getting it wet. 

Wipe down the faucet with a wet rag and gentle cleaner for heavier stains.

When your faucet has likely come into contact with germs and bacteria, you can disinfect it with bleach or vinegar. Do not apply the solution with a sponge because sponges quickly collect bacteria and germs.

Vinegar – For vinegar, combine equal parts white vinegar and water and apply the solution with a clean dry cloth. Vinegar is a safe, natural disinfectant that kills the majority of harmful bacteria.

Bleach – Make a bleach solution by combining one tablespoon of bleach with one jug of water. Wear gloves to protect your skin from direct contact with bleach. 

2. Getting rid of build-ups

Rust and iron – They must be cleaned with acid cleansing rubs. Make a paste with lemon juice and borax. Then, with a cloth rub off the paste build-ups. 

Green or bluish deposits – Combine equal parts of water and ammonia. To apply the mixture, put on gloves and use a cloth. After you?ve. finished, thoroughly rinse the area and flush the pipes with water to remove any remaining ammonia. 

Red build-up – Heat the white vinegar to a close boiling temperature on the stove. Allow it to sit for about an hour, then rinse it off after it has cooled. This step should only be performed if there is a red build-up on the faucet.

Dark build-ups – To remove darker build-ups, make a paste with cream of tartar and hydrogen peroxide. Rub it onto the faucet with a cloth to remove any build-ups. 

Watermarks – White vinegar can be used to remove soap residue and especially bad watermarks. Make a paste with it and baking soda. Allow it to sit for a few minutes after applying it. Then rinse and dry the faucet.

Small areas – Warm water should be run through the filter. Use a toothbrush to reach hard-to-reach areas and remove build-ups. Alternatively, you can remove the build-ups in small holes by inserting a pin through the holes in the filter. 

3. Improving water flow

There is a small removable filter at the bottom of most faucets. Wrap it in a towel to protect it from scratches. Then, using a screwdriver, loosen it by turning counter clockwise. You can finish unscrewing with your hand once it is loose. 

The filter should have several components. Take it apart and look at how the parts fit together. Before reinstalling it, you?ll need to remember how to put it back together. 

When you do this, the mineral build-up settled is removed and the water flow gets improvised in the faucet.

Reassemble the faucet in the same manner as before. Tighten it by turning it clockwise with your hand. Then using a cloth, and a spanner, tighten it up again.

Conclusion: Say Goodbye to Germs

Follow the above-given steps to clean your faucets. To prevent bacteria growth, you should sanitize these areas on a daily basis. Rinse the air pump inside the faucet on a regular basis and replace it as needed. Germs on surfaces can be eliminated by a thorough cleaning. 

When you do these simple steps properly and often, your faucet will be clean with a good flow of water as well as gets a longer life. 

Hope this article helps you in cleaning your faucet. Write to us if you have any questions and we will get back to you soon.

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Wondering how to clean your kitchen faucet? Follow these simple steps to clean your kitchen faucets and keep them in good condition. 


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