Bust The Confusion And Know How To Choose The Right Overhead Crane!

All industries need some kind of lifting solutions, namely, cranes, for materials and loads. Overhead Cranes or Bridge cranes as they are known as, are one of the most commonly used in industries such as railways, aerospace, construction, shipping and the like.? Purchasing Overhead cranes is a long term and costly investment that can streamlining production, improving operations, cost effectiveness and increasing workers? safety. However, picking the right one for your facility and application can be daunting and confusing.? And so, this piece will guide you to making the right choice.?

But before that, it is imperative to understand what Overhead Cranes entail. This type of crane is a bridge between two side rails, sliding between the side rails. In most cases,?the overhead bridge cranes?are mounted on the roof or freestanding. There are many factors that play catalyst in leading you to a suitable system. Let?s dwell on them one by one.?

Understand Types of Overhead Cranes

The first step in making the correct choice, is gaining knowledge of the types of Overhead cranes that exist. There are four main types of overhead cranes: gantry cranes, monorail cranes, workstation bridge cranes, and jib cranes. Knowing the benefits, capacity and mounting capability of every type will help you zero in on the one that is best suited for your application, in addition to picking the best Overhead crane manufacturer.

For information on the most efficient and safe overhead cranes, visit Al Waha Cranes Website

Study Your Application

The most fundamental part of selecting the right crane system for your application is first evaluating your material handling needs. Consider what exactly you are seeking to achieve by installing a new lift system in the facility- whether your material comes under heavy duty load or light load, because choosing an inappropriate crane system isn?t only dangerous, but can also throw an inefficient and costly light on your application.

The factors that are absolutely necessary to consider in analysing your application are- 


How much load are you looking to lift? What is the holding capacity of the crane you are choosing? The maximum weight of your application should not exceed the lifting capacity of your crane. Integrating a system with a lower lifting capacity than your material can prove to be extremely dangerous. Keeping the above questions in mind will protect you from costly losses.

Service rating-

Evaluating the service rating helps in gauging the operational frequency or how often the crane can be used safely, in case your application requires its daily usage. This will define the crane classification for your application.

Structural elements-?

Cranes made from Steel are comparatively more durable than the ones made from Aluminium. If your application involves heavy duty lifts, a steel Overhead crane is what you must pick.?

Mechanical and electrical systems-

Consider what functions you need the crane to perform. Features such as telescoping bridge would extend more flexibility around obstacles in the facility, and operator controls would allow employees to operate the crane from anywhere in the facility.

Evaluate Your Facility

The next factor to consider after analysing your application is, evaluating your facility space and size. This includes parameters such as workspace cover, the crane span, potential obstacles, installation methods, and installation of the crane.

Workspace Cover-

It is imperative to measure the length and width of the facility in addition to measuring height restrictions or obstructions on the ceiling that may affect the crane?s operation or defy any regulations.

Crane Span-

Determining the span of your crane system is of paramount importance. Typically,?overhead cranes operate from the ceiling of your building, so, it is necessary to determine the size of the crane required for your application and facility.?

Potential Obstacles-

It is essential to examine your facility and gauge the potential obstacles anticipated during operations in the facility. This will help pick an Overhead crane that is apt for safe and efficient movement.

Installation Needs-

The structure of your facility must be strong enough to provide support to the crane system you decide to install. Here the environment of the facility plays an important part, if you need a permanent crane system installed. Depending upon the application, you may decide between a portable system or a permanent one.?With this piece, you?ll be a lot more clear about the choices you make. Let?s make it easier for you and give you Alwaha Street Cranes that offer a wide range of the safest, most efficient cranes, customised to your needs.


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