Have Your Spider Veins Treated Ahead of Summer

Spider Vein Treatment

Summer has finally arrived and after many months of cold weather, people are spending more time outside,  planning holidays and packing away their winter clothes. However, the prospect of wearing shorts, skirts and clothes that leave your legs on show can be daunting for those who have developed spider or varicose veins. 

These vein issues often manifest in the legs, causing self-consciousness as well as discomfort. While they may be easier to ignore during the colder seasons, you should be able to dress for the summer with confidence, and these issues can interfere with that. 

Fortunately, there are effective treatments available to address these concerns. This article discusses the causes of both of these vein issues and explores non-invasive treatment options that can help you bid farewell to them.

Understanding Spider and Varicose Veins

Both of these vascular issues are common, affecting millions of people worldwide, and are characterised by the visible appearance of twisted, discoloured veins beneath the skin. Spider veins are scientifically known as ‘telangiectasia’ and appear as tiny, branching blood vessels close to the skin’s surface. They are typically red, blue, or purple and can resemble a spider’s web – hence the name. They develop due to a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, obesity, and prolonged periods of standing or sitting.

Varicose veins, on the other hand, are larger, raised, and often bulging veins that usually develop in the legs. They are the result of weakened or damaged vein valves that struggle to efficiently pump blood back to the heart, leading to the pooling of blood. These are more likely to cause discomfort and physical symptoms, such as aching, cramping, and swelling. In worst case scenarios, they can lead to chronic ulceration. 

As the weather warms up, many of us look forward to spending time at the beach or by the pool, engaging in outdoor activities, or simply enjoying the season’s sunnier days. However, those who have spider or varicose veins may find it uncomfortable to expose their legs due to the visible veins. This self-consciousness can dampen the joys of summer, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Thankfully, modern medical advancements offer a range of non-invasive spider vein treatment and varicose vein treatment options. These treatments aim to reduce or eliminate the appearance of the veins while minimising downtime, so you can get back to enjoying your days as quickly as possible.

Treatment Options

Sclerotherapy, a minimally invasive procedure, is a well-established and highly effective treatment for both spider and small varicose veins. A special solution is injected directly into the affected vessels, causing them to shrink and eventually fade away. The process is very quick and virtually painless, with minimal recovery time, making it an excellent choice for those looking to have their veins treated ahead of summer.

Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) is a cutting-edge treatment for larger varicose veins that uses laser energy to heat and close off the damaged vein. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and typically takes less than an hour. EVLA offers excellent results and minimal scarring, enabling you to resume your summer activities without delay.

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is another innovative option for vein treatment in Melbourne. It uses radiofrequency energy to heat and seal the problematic veins, improving blood flow and reducing discomfort. The procedure is less invasive than traditional surgical methods, allowing for a quicker recovery.

An excellent, non-procedural option is the use of compression stockings. These look like long, tight socks that apply gentle but firm pressure to the legs, helping to improve blood flow and reduce swelling. While they don’t eliminate the veins themselves, they can provide relief from discomfort, making them a useful non-invasive adjunct to other treatment methods.

Alongside medical treatments, adopting a healthier lifestyle can contribute to preventing the development of new spider and varicose veins. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding prolonged periods of sitting or standing can be beneficial. Those who work sedentary jobs should take regular, active breaks, go for a walk on their lunch and make sure to exercise during the evenings.  Additionally, wearing sunscreen can help minimise the appearance of the vessels, as sun exposure can damage the skin and make veins more noticeable.

Getting Ready for Summer: A Timeline for Treatment

The time required for recovery and results varies depending on the chosen treatment method and the severity of the veins. To ensure that you’re ready to confidently show off your legs this summer, it’s essential to plan ahead. Here’s a general timeline for treatment and recovery:

  • Sclerotherapy: Results are visible within a few weeks, and you can usually resume normal activities immediately. 
  • EVLA and RFA: These treatments may require a few days of reduced activity, with full results becoming noticeable over several months. 
  • Compression Stockings: You can start using compression stockings immediately to alleviate symptoms while continuing with your regular activities.

Before undergoing any treatment, it’s important to speak to a qualified healthcare professional like Dr Adrian Ling at the Vein Artery Specialist Clinic who can assess your condition and recommend the most suitable therapy.

Don’t let spider or varicose veins hold you back this season. Reach out to a specialist or a vascular surgeon and take the first step towards smoother legs and less discomfort. By getting safe, high-quality treatment for these issues, you can feel confident and carefree this summer.