Future prospectus of 3D searching

Types of 3d searching


The internet offers a vast ocean of information and data about a variety of topics. This information is accessed through different search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others. This helps in satisfying the information needs of people every day. The data available is not only single-dimensional or two-dimensional. With the remarkable progress and developments in computer science, it has become possible to capture, construct, and three-dimensional record data. In this regard, 3D searching is a popular topic nowadays, and people are curious to know all about it.

3D searching:

3D searching refers to the latest technology used for searching 3D objects in a database due to the submission of a query that can be in the form of text, 2D model, 2D sketches, 3D model, 3D sketches, etc. It is a technique that helps web users to search and extract complex 3D models like graphical models or engineering parts. A 3D search is enabled by a specialized search engine known as a 3D search engine, which takes in queries as inputs and processes them to find similar and related 3D models in the database. The database models matched with the query are shown to the user in the form of the best multiple search results. Expert writers and researchers at law assignment writing UK services follow the 3D search pattern for making assignments.

Method of 3D searching:

The methodology of 3d searching involves three steps, namely,

  • Query Formulation
  • Search Process
  • Search result

Query Formulation: this step involves the formulation of the query, which is then used as an input in the 3D search engine. The query can be formulated by either selecting an object from a catalog or drawing a 3D or 2D representation of their desired object. After specifying the query with the help of sketches and keywords, a set of 16 images that represent the best match in 3D models is shown to the user. 

Search process: in this step, the drawn or selected query, which is based on an image, is converted into a mathematical model known as the voxel by using algorithms in a process called voxelization. A 3D search system does it. Then the model is searched again for similar results.

Search Result: this step simply represents returning the 3D model of the query whose match is found.

Types of 3D searching:

Following are the types of 3d searching that a user might come across.

Searching by text:

The first type refers to searching 3D models only through text.Some examples of this type are mesh-nose, CADlib, etc.

Searching by shapes:

A 3D search engine also enables searching by shapes or shape?s features. Shape Sifter at the site of Heriot-Watt University is an example.

Searching by 3D model:

3D searching can also be done by formulating the query in a 3D model. This is an effective and comparatively easy way that yields more effective results than other types.

Searching by combined queries:

3D searching is done by combining the other 3 types of searching; text, shapes, and 3D models is known as searching by combined queries.

Advantages of 3D searching:

The process of 3D searching provides users with many benefits and advantages. Some of them are mentioned below.

?         The easy access and efficient searching of 3D data made possible by 3D searching results in the utilization of 3D data on large scale.

?         The utilization of 3D data will ultimately result in helping the content developers to convey their message more efficiently by explaining topics that are usually complicated to visualize more easily.

?         The query interface used in 3D searching will the process of searching more efficient and user-friendly.

?         The 3D art created by artists around the world would be showcased to a larger audience with the use of 3D searching and 3D data.

?         It also helps big companies in finding out quickly whether they have certain goods in their inventory or not so that they can manage their inventory accordingly.

?         This technique will also help in the efficient marketing of products by the organisations. Customers would be able to see a product from all dimensions, which will surely help them make buying decisions.

?         The search process of 3D objects is made effective by 3D searching.

Limitations of 3D searching:

Along with the benefits offered by 3d searching, there are also some limitations which narrow down its application. Some of them are mentioned below.

?         3D searching process takes too much time in execution because 3D databases are difficult to execute. Due to this, many users are reluctant to use this technology.

?         Searching the desired model is a very complicated process. The user may not be able to define what he exactly needs clearly. And thus does not get his desired results.

?         The development of 3d searching system is costly and so is the research process involved in enhancing this system.

Future prospectus:

Observing the currents trends, the scope of 3D searching is expected to grow extensively in the future. The use of 3D searching will become common with the progress and development in this field. Some future prospectuses of 3D searching are discussed below.

Improvement of Accuracy:

Researchers are improving the accuracy of 3D searching to match the search results with the queries more efficiently. One method to improve the accuracy of 3D searching is 3D auto-tagging algorithm. This algorithm compares the 3D model to a large number of models tagged.

New matching and indexing algorithms:

Efforts are also being made to improve the searching speed. For this purpose, researchers are trying to develop new search algorithms to improve search speed. The main objective is to make the search process smooth and fast without wastage of time.

New query interfaces:

Another future prospectus is to make the use of 3D searching easy for the users. Making drawings for the formulation of a query is not everyone?s cup of tea.

New modeling tools:

3D modeling tools are tools that allow you to create photorealistic illustrations of objects. They also enable you to create blueprints of a product design. Some popular 3D modeling tools include Sketchup, blender, AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, 3Ds Max, Maya, and Cinema 4D. Researchers are making efforts to enhance these modeling tools’ features and add more tools to the list.

New applications:

It is expected that in the future new applications of 3D searching will be introduced to increase the scope of 3D searching to a wide variety of fields. A famous application of 3D searching is pharmacophoric searching. It helps in finding molecules having similar functional groups and enables their interaction with the receptor.



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