With consistent top ranking in Global Competitiveness Report of World Economic Forum, best scores in the mathematics and science subject tests of international students and excellent literacy ratio, Finland is considered one of the top countries with the best education system.
Finland achieves this kind of improvement in its educational sector after many efforts. Though scholarly and intellectual reforms played a significant role in the provision of quality education in Finland. However, many other reasons transformed the way of study mainly schooling in Finland. In this article, we are going to discuss the reasons why Finland?s education system is the best in the world.
Here we go:
No Standardized Test
The first thing that is making the Finnish education sector unique from others is its priority of learning. Yes, both primary and high schools in Finland prefer learning instead of taking too many tests. Usually, schools conduct one exam per year, and one major test is taken at the end of high school. In this way, children attend the schools regular without the headache of having tests each day. This strategy of Finnish schools really helped them to enhance the attention of kids towards studies.
Role of Teachers
As compared to the US schools, the teachers in Finnish schools are more qualified, and you can?t consider them less than the engineers, lawyers and doctors. Only 10% of people are being selected from all the applicants who apply for teaching jobs. In this way, the Finnish school administrations choose the brightest students for teaching positions.
On the other hand, teachers are also treated in an excellent manner in Finland. As we know the population of Finland is small, that?s why educational sector put a little pressure of study hours on its teachers. They only teacher 4?5 hours per day and after the class, they are free to do other tasks like planning and meetings with parents etc. Handsome salaries, bonuses and vocational compensations are also offered to teachers in Finland. Moreover, the student-teacher ratio is also satisfactory in Finnish schools, that?s why they give appropriate attention to all students.
Discourage Competition, Encourage Cooperation
Another reason behind the success of the Finnish education system is its behaviour towards the competition. Yes, the schools in Finland don?t give much importance to competition among students, teachers and institutes. In Finland, you wouldn?t find any list of the best schools in the city and list of grades on the notice boards within schools.
Maybe many of you wouldn?t agree with this technique of Finnish schools, but actually it works and doesn?t create a filthy race of getting marks among students. It also discourages discrimination among kids due to grades. Howbeit, as compared to the competition, the education sector of Finland promotes the collaboration between students to convert them in responsible community. This step also supports the feeling of brotherhood on the national level and reduces the differences.
More Recess
Honestly, the schools who practice recess after each lecture have more energetic students as compared the schools where lack of break after classes. If we talk about Finnish schools, then you would be happy to know that almost all public schools follow the same recess culture. Yes, after each lecture of 45 minutes, a recess of 15 minutes is given to students. In this way, students take more interest in each lecture after having refreshment or break of 15 minutes.
On the other hand, if we analyze the break duration in Finland schools, then we would see that it is also longer. Finnish schools give a daily break of 75 minutes, and other developed countries provide a break of 30 to 45 minutes.
No Gender Gap and Ability Differences
Though we have already talked about zero discrimination policy in Finnish schools but it is also essential to discuss that Finland doesn?t run special schools for disable kids. Yes, in Finland, kids with disabilities read in the same school and states pays the fees of nurses, paramedical staff and teachers in this regard.
In the same token, as compared to other countries, you wouldn?t see any treatment difference based on gender in Finnish schools. Teachers treat both girls and boy in an equal manner. Even in Finland, the top scores of science subjects are the girls, and they are outpacing the boy in their fields of studies as well.
Quality Education at Public Schools
The education in public schools in Finland is entirely free, and due to better quality of education, students prefer to join public schools. It is also surprising that there are only a few private schools in Finland because of the good quality of education in public schools. These public schools are state-funded.
Hopefully, other countries who are not performing good in the education sector would also try to follow some revolutionary steps of Finland. You can also share your suggestions by commenting below!
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