Why Modern Businesses Need Custom Display Boxes?

custom display boxes

Nowadays, businesses are fighting tooth and nail to find new ways of getting customers’ attention. There is a lot of competition out there, so it’s no wonder that they’re doing everything in their power to stand out from the crowd. The only thing that makes businesses unique is the packaging style of their product.  Amongst various packaging solutions on the market today, custom display boxes are an effective option for brands looking to increase their visibility, drive sales, and give customers a memorable experience. Let’s explore custom display boxes, their benefits of using them, global trends in the industry, and some famous business examples.

What are Custom Display Boxes?

The two primary purposes of custom display boxes are to display products in the best way possible and to be your branding tool. Unlike most product boxes, which are mainly used for shipping and storage, these boxes really make an impact.  These boxes have smart marketing elements and an eye-catching design. They are usually made of better materials, like cardboard or plastic. It is important for brands who make these boxes that they last longer and look appealing.

These unique boxes can meet the needs of any brand because there is so much room for customization. During the production of these boxes, sizes, shapes, and designs can be easily changed or customized. This makes each box unique while still accurately representing a brand. Businesses can change the designs of these boxes and add useful features like dividers or sections to make the product look better from the inside out before the customer even opens it.

Benefits Of Custom Display Boxes

Custom display boxes are eye-catching, and that’s the best thing about them. Researchers found out that consumers are 30% more likely to spot products displayed in these boxes than those displayed in standard packaging.

The branding plays a vital role when any customer is making a purchase decision. Once a product is picked up from the shelf, if the brand, name, or tagline doesn’t appeal to the consumer, they will put it back. These boxes look good because you can customize them with different shapes, colors, sizes, and printing options. Adding these features can enhance the value of your brand. An example is that if you use them on all of your company’s products, this can boost sales by a large amount because customers will connect with it more if it has the same logo on all your products and stores.

Lastly, these boxes last longer due to an extra layer of safety which makes your products less likely to get damaged while being shipped or stored. The high-quality materials used in production ensure that the custom display box will last for a long time which is suitable for the product it holds.

Global Trends

In the last few years, people have shifted their focus towards eco-friendly boxes due to environmental problems. This is why custom display boxes have become such a popular choice for packaging. Now when it comes to branding, companies are choosing to use biodegradable plastics and recycle cardboard for their products. Not only are they trying to save the planet but they’re also trying to lure in customers who care about our environment as well. A famous market research and consulting company Grand View Research did a study recently that revealed if it grows at a (CAGR) Compound Annual Growth Rate of 7.4%, then the global eco-friendly packaging market could reach $244.9 billion by 2025.

Technology advancements have made printing and design much easier for brands to create personalized custom display boxes with visually stunning artwork. Brands are also using technology like interactive QR codes and augmented reality features on their packaging that make it more interactive for tech-savvy consumers and youngsters.

Examples of Famous Brands

Custom display boxes have become an essential part of modern marketing strategies because they help brands differentiate themselves from competitors while enhancing customer engagement with their products. Let’s take a look at some famous business examples:

·         Apple

There’s no doubt Apple’s simple and elegant packaging design reflects its brand ethos, but it also helps make its expensive products feel more valuable when you unwrap them too. The attention to detail in Apple’s packaging has helped build trust in consumers’ minds which leads to repeat sale opportunities.

·         Coca-Cola

We all know Coca-Cola as one of the most valuable brands due to its iconic red design, given branding experiences when opening a Coke bottle, or seeing their holiday polar bear commercials. Coca-Cola invests in eye-catching displays so that customers see them before they see anything else on store shelves.


Custom boxes aren’t just normal boxes anymore. Now it’s a chance for brands to get creative and boost their sales along with customer loyalty. As time goes on, we get new trends which means businesses need to adjust their designs to stay relevant against other companies. Investing in customizable yet eco-friendly boxes is an amazing starting point that any brand can take if they want long-lasting customer experiences, reinforce their identity, and help drive success throughout their business journey.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.