Cellulite-Fighting Yoga Poses You Should Never Miss

yoga poses for cellulite

Do you have cellulite in your body? If yes, you should not worry about it as it is not a disease! Cellulite is a normal phenomenon where the adipose tissues accumulate to form dimples and nodules in your body. Some common places where these nodules are often found are hips, thighs, abdomen, and back. Cellulite can make your skin look crumpled and lumpy; however, you can fight it with yoga sessions. This post will uncover cellulite-fighting yoga poses you should never miss resolving this problem. Keep walking with us to learn more! 

Cellulite-fighting yoga poses:

The appearance of cellulite can be reduced with effective yoga poses and sessions. It is good news for those allergic to visiting doctors and taking regular medicines. Why treat it with medicines when a yoga session could be an effective alternate therapy? It sounds friendly! Yoga sessions and poses can improve your blood circulation, which stops fluid retention in your body. However, not all the poses are helpful for this problem, but a few are. The following list will explain cellulite-fighting yoga poses. Let us start rolling through them! 

1. Chair pose:

A chair pose is probably the best and easiest way to improve blood flow to your legs and tone your muscles. Fighting cellulite is easier with this pose, and it stops fluid retention in your legs, which can lead to several diseases like cellulitis and edema. Your thighs and hips will experience a muscle polish in this pose. Regularly practicing this pose will reduce the appearance of cellulite on your thighs and hips. 

You should start this exercise by standing straight with your feet hip-distance apart. Stretch your hands in front while keeping your palms down and elbows straight. Now bend your knees and push your pelvis down as if you are sitting on a chair. However, you better keep your posture straight to avoid injuries. Hold this pose for a few breaths, and then repeat. 

2. Shoulder stand:

The shoulder stand is another brilliant therapy for your lymphatic system. It helps you flush out toxins from your body, which prevents cellulite. Fatty areas on your body will eventually break after this yoga practice, giving you a better look. You should start it by lying on your back with your legs bent and your feet on the ground. Now move your shoulders under your upper back and let your chest lift. 

Also, lift your hips and extend your arms on the floor. Keep your palms down during this extension. Now, press your palms against the ground and lift onto the balls of your feet. Practicing this pose is harder without help, and you should join yoga studio Dubai to work out with professional yogis! 

3. Standing forward bend pose:

The standing forward bend pose helps stretch and tone your hips and back muscles. You can reduce the appearance of cellulite on your thighs and hips with this effective yoga exercise. Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart and bend your body forward. Try to reach your toes once you bend forward. However, you should not lock your knees and hinge your body at your hips. 

Now move your head towards the floor and straighten your legs with a slight knee bend. Stay in this position for a couple of minutes and then try it again! Repeat this exercise several times a day to see better results. 

4. Eagle pose:

Have you ever balanced your body on your legs while squeezing your body core? The eagle pose requires you to do the same. You can burn lower body fats with this effective yoga exercise. Moreover, it also smooths out your skin and reduces cellulite. You should start by standing straight and bending your knees. Cross your left thigh over the right one and take your left foot behind the right calf. 

Now bring your right arm under the left arm and clasp both hands together. Move your thighs together and sit in this pose. Hold this pose for a few breaths before switching the legs. Repeat as many times as you can to fight cellulite and body fats. 

5. Plank pose:

The plank pose is all about strengthening your arms and arm muscles. You can reduce cellulite with a plank pose if you have cellulite in your arm. Start in a tabletop position with your knees and hands on the ground and wrists under your shoulders. Balance your body on your arms and toes, but do not bend your chest. 

Keep your gaze down and lengthen your neck to squeeze your abdominal muscles. There should be a straight line from your head to toe. Do you want to practice it right? You better join hot yoga studio in Dubai and work with expert yogis! 

Stay fit with regular yoga exercises! 

Practicing yoga regularly is way too better than taking regular medicines. You can keep a good body posture with effective yoga poses. Now is the time to join a yoga academy in your town and work out with professional practitioners!