What Are The Best Content Writing Tools for 2020?

Content Writing Tools

Content writing is one of the essential parts of blogging. You can create the world’s most visually appealing website. Yet, your content isn’t interesting, helpful and consistent, and you’re highly unlike going to succeed in retaining the readers and visitors. That’s why you need to work on content writing for your website or blog along with other technical skills that blogging demands. 

However, what if you want to deliver top-notch content for readers? Use the best content writing tools that are out there. 

Content writing tools are useful to increase your efficiency, accuracy and quality while delivering content for the audience. Humans are prone to making errors, and that’s where tools come handy. 

If you are a blogger or aiming to become one in future, here’s the list of most useful tools that can help you create content that will provide value to readers. 

Following is the list of tools we have picked for each section that comes under the umbrella of content creation. After gathering the feedback from months of usage, we have concluded. 

Top Content Writing Tools You Need Right Now


Purpose: Brainstorming

When you start your first blog, you need to know what you are writing for the audience. The brainstorming process is essential to pick ideas that are worth writing a blog post on. The brainstorming always need not be dependent on traditional methods like using pen-paper or whiteboard-marker. You can use Ideaflip, which is an online tool that provides you with an interactive environment for brainstorming. You can develop or keep track of ideas with it. An elegant interface helps you do work without visual hindrance. 


Purpose: Grammar checking

Now you’ve developed the idea for the post, you gather all the information and write it. What next? Checking the grammar of the post. The quality of blog, or writer’s skills is judged by how well a piece is written, with minimal to no grammatical errors. Grammarly is quite a popular tool for everyone – not just bloggers. It is, without any doubt, the most advanced grammar-checker available. 


Purpose: Plagiarism checking

If you are done with writing a post, checking grammar, what’s the next step? It has to be checking plagiarism in your content. You don’t want to risk severe offences like Google penalizing your site, dropped ranking. Make sure that your content is fresh and completely original. Suppose you are looking for the best free plagiarism checker on the internet, you’ll always see many options, but we recommend you try Copyscape. 


Purpose: SEO toolset

You regularly write posts on your blog but don’t know what’s the deal with it, is it growing or not, how well does it do in ranking and other metrics. You should be able to increase your visitors and ranking. Otherwise, it’s all futile. That’s where Ahrefs comes. It’s a massive toolkit that helps you do keyword research, analyze your SEO performance and backlinks of competitors. It has many useful tools that will help you to do better.?

Reddit and Twitter

Purpose: Content inspiration/source

Suppose you are a blogger, marketeer or just a curious individual. In that case, you must be aware of what is trending, and hot events and topics are happening around. The best way to find interesting trends, issues, news and inspiration for your marketing is these two sites: Reddit and Twitter. 

On Twitter, you can expect news/footages/leaks even before they reach mainstream outlets. Now, how to use these sources for your benefit is up to you. However, we are sure that they will give you immense value even if it’s not related to blogging in any way. 

On Reddit, some subreddits are dedicated to separate subjects, you can discuss with other users and experts on how to grow your blog, or what strategy you can deploy. Twitter, on the other hand, comes handy where you can directly find and follow influential people. Even celebrities have Twitter accounts. If you get lucky enough, you can expect a response to your tweet from these celebs. 


Blogging is not an easy task; it looks, but the opposite is the truth. With the ease of access to devices like computers, cameras and smartphones, and a fast internet connection, almost everyone has become a content creator. That’s why it takes effort to create a content that generates value and stands out from the crowd. 

The tools that we have provided above are going to help you to build something interesting for the readers. In the end, no tool is perfect; it’s the person who uses them that dictates the quality. 

We hope that you find our recommendations useful. If you have any questions or feedback, make sure to drop it in the comments. Keep following our website to get the latest updates on everything. 


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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