How Ayushman Bharat Digital Supports Affordable Health Insurance for Parents

Health Insurance

Ayushman Bharat Digital (ABD) is a flagship scheme of the Indian government, launched in September 2018, with the aim of providing financial protection to vulnerable and economically weaker families in the country. The scheme aims to achieve this goal by providing health insurance coverage of up to INR 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary hospitalization to approximately 100 million families in India.

One of the primary benefits of the Ayushman Bharat Digital scheme is its digital platform. The digital platform offers a range of features and services that facilitate affordable health insurance for parents. This platform is designed to make it easier for parents to access quality healthcare services without having to worry about the cost.

The Ayushman Bharat Digital platform is accessible through the Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY portal, which enables users to view information about the scheme and its benefits. Additionally, the portal provides access to several tools and resources that help users to find affordable healthcare services and understand how to utilize their health insurance effectively.

The platform’s user interface is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. The portal offers a range of features and services for users to access. These features include enrollment, verification, eligibility checking, and other services. The portal also provides online access to doctors, specialists, and other healthcare services.

One of the most significant benefits that this platform offers for parents is its ability to provide digital health records. Parents can register their children and themselves onto the portal and maintain online health records. These records can be easily accessed and shared with healthcare providers, which allows doctors and nurses to have a complete picture of the patient’s health history, resulting in better treatment and care.

Ayushman Bharat Digital platform’s digital health record feature offers several benefits. It makes it easier for parents to keep track of their and their children’s health status, including medical history, treatment updates, and other vitals. This platform also enables parents to share their health records with doctors located across the country, ensuring top-quality healthcare services, regardless of location.

Another significant advantage of the Ayushman Bharat Digital scheme is the support for cashless hospitalization. Under the scheme, patients are eligible for cashless treatment and hospitalization at any of the government or empaneled private hospitals. Parents can now take their children for emergency hospitalization without the worry of paying upfront cost. This feature significantly reduces the financial burden and provides peace of mind for the parents.

The Ayushman Bharat Digital platform also provides access to government and empaneled private hospitals across the country. This feature ensures that parents can avail of quality healthcare services regardless of their location. Additionally , this platform supports the National Health Stack, which would enable individuals to access their health records and avail of teleconsultation from anywhere in the country.

The platform’s teleconsultation feature is a significant feature for parents, especially those living in remote locations with limited access to healthcare services. Teleconsultation makes it easier for parents to connect with doctors through remote consultations. This feature is beneficial for parents who cannot travel to hospitals for various reasons. This feature enables them to have access to top-quality healthcare services at a lower cost.

Another benefit of the Ayushman Bharat Digital platform is its support for Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) services. Parents and families now have access to these services, which are often cost-effective alternatives to Western medicine. These services are well recognized and widely used across India, ensuring that parents have access to a complete range of healthcare services.

The Ayushman Bharat Digital platform’s claims management system is another significant feature. Parents can easily make claims, track their status, and obtain reimbursement of medical bills. The platform offers an easy-to-use interface for users and simplifies the claims process, making it easier for parents to avail of the healthcare benefits offered by the scheme.


Ayushman Bharat Digital is a significant step towards ensuring affordable parents health insurance. The platform’s digital features have simplified the process of accessing quality healthcare services and made it easier for parents to avail of the benefits offered by the scheme. Additionally, the platform’s support for cashless hospitalization, telemedicine, and access to alternative medicine have expanded the range of healthcare services available to parents across the country. Ayushman Bharat Digital has made significant strides in bridging the gap in access to healthcare services, and it is expected that it will continue to expand its services and benefits in the years ahead.


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