Awesome Backyard Makeover Ideas for 2022

Two years in a pandemic has shown people how nature nurtures during the most challenging times.

It?s now 2022. Vaccine rollouts worldwide have made it possible for life to feel a bit more normal. But people who discovered their ?green thumbs? during quarantine are in no hurry to cocoon indoors.

More than half of Americans spend an extra two hours outdoors than they did before the outbreak. Some 16 million new gardeners, mostly under 35, also emerged during COVID-19 lockdowns.

Multifunctional Backyards

Many people have this newfound appreciation for their outdoor spaces. And so they want to make the most out of it.

cutting gardens

Some homeowners are turning their patios into office spaces. They?re purchasing comfortable weather-resistant furniture. Plants with dense and thick foliage surround work nooks to block noise and maintain privacy.

Others are building porches lined with greenery to be social at a safe distance. Add a rug, a low coffee table with a couple of deep armchairs, and, voil?, neighbors can chat for hours.

There are plenty of new gardening trends as well.

Today, the yard isn?t just a place for growing edible plants and succulents. Expect to see more cutting gardens, sustainable planting techniques, and quieter lawn equipment used in many homes this year.

The beginning of a new year is also a great time to plan for home upgrades and renovations.

Do you have space behind the house that you don?t quite know what to do with? Are you looking to bring new life to a dull, dreary-looking lawn? Would you like to have a private yet open area to entertain a small group of friends?

There are plenty of different ways to give your backyard some love. Here are some great ideas for this open area behind your home.

Add a Deck

Installing a deck at the rear end of your home offers many benefits. It extends the area of your living room and can bring nature indoors. Handy when you have guests over but don?t want all of them to feel cramped indoors. It?s also a great spot to enjoy a morning cup of coffee while taking in the sights and sounds in your garden. Finally, it increases the square footage in your home and ups its market value too.

When building one, be sure to use only the best decking materials. Going for quality construction will make it safe and sturdy enough to last for years to come.

Create an Outdoor Room

Having that long stretch of vividly green well-trimmed grass raises your home?s value. However, mowing and seeding might not be your thing.

The perfect solution? Creating an outdoor room. You can have that area paved, construct a steel trellis and place wicker furniture underneath. Finish the look with low-maintenance plants and integrated lighting.

Once that?s done, sell your lawnmower and spend more time sipping cocktails on your fabulous new patio.

Pool Patio Upgrade

A pool won?t necessarily increase your property?s resale value. However, if you live somewhere that?s warm all year round and like to swim regularly, then it could be a good investment.

This is the year to do a savvy upgrade if you already have one. A patio with a built-in firepit, a kitchen with a brick oven, and a minibar are great additions.

Go Tropical

So you miss the tropics but don?t feel that it’s safe to go on holiday abroad. Transform your backyard into a tropical-themed hideaway instead.

Turn your patio into an exotic cabana. Choose curtains made from polyester or acrylic fabric. String up some delicate lights and decorate with leafy tropical plants.

If you?re aiming for more of a beach vibe, you can add a bit of sand, a comfy hammock, and brightly colored chairs.

Texture Adds Interest

There are different ways to add texture to your backyard. You can go the hardscape route. Look to the surrounding environment for inspiration.

For example, you can have both a pergola made from the same type of hardwood as the trees in your backyard. For flooring, use concrete and finish off with rustic wood stepping pads.

As for landscaping goes, you can soften the corners by curving the lawn?s perimeter. Alternatively, you can plant trees with a base made from a nice mulched bed.

If there?s way too much fencing going on, climbing plants could be used to break the monotony. Espaliered fruit trees lining the fence also give the effect of wood texture and greenery.

However you choose to add texture, don?t forget to design for the seasons. Think about how your backyard will look when covered in snow or during the dry season. Keeping the seasons in mind will help you choose hardier plants and more sturdy furniture.

Consult with a well-established local nursery. Let them see the landscape plan so they can advise you on what blooms in fall, winter, spring, and summer. 

Warm and Cozy

There?s nothing like sitting outdoors on cool, cloudless nights. Still, you don?t want to end up shivering when you do.

It?s a good thing there are various heating options suitable for backyards. Whether you opt for a fireplace or a fire pit, you?ll end up having a warm and cozy spot.

You can even go the DIY route and build your own firepit. Use retaining wall blocks from your local home improvement store. Stack them about four tiers high, making sure to create vents to increase oxygen flow.

Final Thoughts

Spending time outdoors is a great place to recharge mentally and physically. Life gets hectic and stressful, so it?s nice to have a private area where you can decompress. Your backyard could be that perfect tranquil spot. Consider implementing one or more of the ideas above. Throw a bit of your creativity in there as well.

The best makeover projects result from careful planning, so do your research?not just online, but seek actual experts to help you out.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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