7 Healthy Benefits of Eating Wild-Caught Fish

Healthy eating is at the top of everyone?s priority list. To avoid contracting lifestyle diseases and free radicals that cause cancer in their body, people have grown more aware of what they consume daily. Fish has been touted to be one of the best sources of protein and vitamin D globally. In an era where everyone wants to eat natural, let?s find out seven health benefits of eating wild-caught fish.

Food Quality and Safety

Wild-caught fish is fish that has been caught from a natural habitat such as the lakes and rivers using a hook or net fishing.

Unlike fish that have been reared in the ponds, wild-caught fish are high in quality and safe to consume. Farmed fish are fed with artificial feeds and antibiotics administered to them. This compromises the quality of these fish and raises the question of whether they are safe for consumption.

wild sockeye salmon

According to a published study, farmed fish contain a higher level of omega-6 and lower level of the healthy omega-3 that we all source from fish. Wild-caught fish are free of antibiotics that are used to treat farmed fish. Therefore, the toxins that accumulate in our bodies due to prolonged intake of farmed fish are unheard of in people who consume wild-caught fish.

Nutritional Benefits

Wild-caught fish like wild sockeye salmon provides our bodies with various nutritional benefits. Fish is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and vitamin D. Additional nutritional elements include vitamin B12, iodine, iron, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus. Omega 3 in fish boosts our immunity. Trace amounts of iodine are beneficial for thyroxine production, which aids our body?s metabolism. Vitamin D is naturally deficient in many individuals who often need to get booster shots of this mineral. Besides being synthesized by our bodies from the sun, vitamin D is also found in fish.

A Source of Beneficial Omega-3

The beneficial omega-3 fatty acid is found in larger amounts of wild-caught salmon than farmed fish with higher omega-6 fatty acid. Omega-3 is essential for growth and development recommended for pregnant, breastfeeding women, and children. As a source of protein, fish offers high nutritional value to children who find it easy to digest due to its lean nature compared to other sources of protein such as beef.

Reduces the Risk of Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders are those conditions whereby your body defense system attacks other body cells and tissues. These include type 1 diabetes, lupus erythematosus, and many other diseases. Studies have revealed that intake of omega-3 fatty acid in fatty fish such as salmon lead to a reduced risk of type 1 diabetes in children and adults. Some experts also argue that fish intake reduces the risk of contracting rheumatoid arthritis.

Delicious and Easy To Prepare

According to randomized research, wild-caught fish is a delicious source of protein compared to farmed fish. Fish is easy to prepare and can be easily incorporated into any diet. Fish can be baked, fried, boiled, or roasted. It can be served with various vegetables, rice, pasta, and grains. Eating fish one or two times per week is considered sufficient to reap its benefits.

Good for Your Heart

One of the leading causes of premature death globally is heart attack and stroke. Observational studies have revealed that people who consume fish regularly are less likely to suffer from heat-related illnesses. Some researchers attribute these findings to omega-3 fatty acids found in it. Other than the fact that fish is classified as white meat, which in comparison to red meat is less harmful to your health?researchers believe that fatty types of wild-caught fish such as salmon improve heart function.

Good for Your Brain

Neurological function often declines with age. Mild brain function and nervous control decline associated with aging are normal. However, certain habits and diets have accelerated or reduced this physiological decline in neurological function. Studies reveal that people who eat fish weekly have more grey matter than those who don?t. The grey matter is known to regulate emotion and memory.

Benefits of eating wild-caught fish include improved brain function, vision, growth and development, heart function, and improved food safety and quality. We should therefore encourage fish consumption in society for a healthier nation.


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