10 Effective Workouts You Can Do with Weight Plates

Playing with weight plates in the gym centre has many benefits. For instance, standing firm with weight plates in your hands is incredible for strengthening your arms during overhead moves. Weight or bumper plate is not difficult to embrace to your chest for squats and start your weighted workout routine. Also, the weight plates are a kind of home gym equipment that is very affordable?pretty much every rec centre has them.

Regardless of whether you’re hauling and pushing plates for cardio, tossing plates outside to construct touchy force, or just chipping away at grasp strength, bringing weight plates into your exercise can change up your everyday practice.

Here are the best and effective weight plate exercises.

10 Effective Workouts You Can Do with Weight Plates

Start with workout warmup, and hold weight plates in your hands. Follow the given weight plate exercises:

Front Weight Plate Raise

  • Grab the weight plates with both hands and hold it in a swing position.
  • Raise the plate overhead with the arms reached out at the elbow.
  • Carefully lower down the weight plate.
  • Rehash for two arrangements of 10 reps.

Plate Truck Driver

  • Hold the weight plate from the sides before the body with the elbows broadened.
  • Start moving the weight plate the same way as you move a vehicle steering.
  • Return to the beginning position and afterwards turn the other way.
  • Rehash for two arrangements of 20 turns.
15kg dumbbell set

Tricep Press (With Plates)

  • Grab the weight plate or bumper plate overhead with you both hands.
  • Start lowering down the weight plate behind the head.
  • Then again lift the weight plate back to the initial position.
  • Repeat for two arrangements of 12 reps.

Bumper Plate High Pull

  • Grab the weight plate from the top and keep it in a swing position
  • Pull the plate up to jawline stature by lifting the elbows higher than the hands. Interruption and crush the shoulders.
  • Lower the plate down taken care of.
  • Repeat for two arrangements of 15 reps.

Weight Plate Hip Twister

  • Hold the plate from the sides and contort the chest and shoulders aside while welcoming the knee on that side forward.
  • Rapidly converse the bearing and switch the situation of the feet.
  • Rehash for two arrangements of 40 turns.

The four activities of this principle part of the exercise will hit pretty much every muscle in your body and further develop adaptability in your shoulders, centre, and hips. These activities are additionally intended to develop equilibrium and coordination further.

These weight plate exercises will strengthen the arms and legs both. Also, if you are a beginner use lightweight then move up to 15kg dumbbell set or increase the load as per your capacity.

Weight Plate Press

You can utilize open space and move one way for the entire set, or then again in case space is restricted, move to and fro each progression.

  • Remain with feet together and the plate at chest level with the elbows at your sides.
  • Then, at that point, while keeping the head at similar tallness, at the same time, step the foot out toward the path you are moving while at the same time squeezing the plate forward.
  • Hold briefly and afterwards move the other foot sideways to get back to the first position.
  • Repeat for three arrangements of 20 stages and presses.

Weight Plate Raise

  • Remain with feet together and the plate held at your shins with the elbows at your knees.
  • Then, at that point, while keeping the head at a similar stature, at the same time, step the foot out toward the path you are moving while at the same time raising the plate overhead.
  • Hold briefly, then, at that point, move the other foot sideways to get back to the first position.
  • Rehash for three arrangements of 20 stages and raises.

Front Lunge Walk

  • Remain with the plate held at the chest with a lower arm grasp.
  • Step forward with one foot and lower the back knee until it nearly contacts the ground.
  • Stand firm on the base footing briefly, then, at that point, venture forward back to the first position.
  • Then, at that point, lurch forward with the other leg.
  • Rehash for three arrangements of 10 stages on every leg.

Front Lunge and Twist

  • Remain with the plate held at chest stature with your elbows near your sides.
  • Step forward with one foot and lower the back knee until it nearly contacts the ground.
  • Turn the shoulders and plate toward the front leg, getting your centre.
  • Stand firm on the base foothold briefly, then, at that point, venture forward back to the first position.
  • Then, at that point, lurch forward with the other leg and turn toward that path.
  • Repeat for three arrangements of 10 stages and curves on every leg.


Weight plates are essential and basic gyming equipment is found everywhere, be it the gym or home gym. OneMoreRep has various types of weight plates to assist you with your home workout routine.


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