4 Things Zoho Implementation Partners must consider when Selling Cloud Services To SMBs

Selling cloud resources to small or midsize businesses (SMBs) is way different than selling to individuals or large businesses. Large businesses often need requests for proposals, long sales cycles, and marketing strategies made specifically for them, but SMBs are more like traditional customers. They need conventional sales efforts and focus on product reviews from people and other businesses they know. Most of them prefer trying out new ways before adopting new technology for their business.

Here are four things that Zoho implementation partners, as a cloud service provider, need to focus on while providing services to SMBs:

Customization is Critical 

Every business considers technology that can make business processes easy for them. Just like enterprise consumers, SMBs have high expectations of the technology they use for their business management. The requirements and priorities of every SMB client are distinct based on size, sophistication, and industry segment the company operates in. Therefore, they need custom cloud services that would work progressively for them. They also look for more flexibility when it comes to integrations and configurations of the technology. Cloud technology stands high on metrics such as mobility, flexibility, and customizations. But how can you move ahead to provide your SMB clients exactly what they need from a cloud service provider?

The key for cloud service providers is to commence by creating a go-to-market strategy to recognize the needs of SMBs and what they can do to meet their needs in real-time. A clear understanding of the challenges faced and solutions required by your SMB clients will help you in offering them the technology they are looking for. Once your degree of understanding is established, you can help in guiding your client in choosing and executing the best cloud solutions. By focusing on accomplishing your client?s day-to-day needs, you can provide these companies with the resources to revolutionize their business. 

Offer Easy-to-Use Technology

Most SMBs are not technically sound and avoid bulky and expensive software that needs a deep understanding for use and seek constant maintenance. Contemporary businesses demand simple executions and easy operation. In addition, though some SMBs are prepared to embrace cloud technology, they don?t have the money or time to go through trial and error to find what suits them best. 

SMBs crave simple solutions that can help them in doing their daily tasks effortlessly. Also, most of them are not comfortable with changing the way processes are executed to adopt a new tool in their ongoing business system. As such, while selling cloud services to SMBs, it is necessary to ascertain that the recommended solutions complement their existing business process. It should also minimize the IT operation and maintenance tasks of clients.

Make Your Digital Presence Strong

Some SMBs are gradually shifting from traditional ways and trying new methods in their buying process. These businesses ask for rapidly-changing technology and are cautiously hopeful for the growth of their small enterprise. They use digital media for interacting with multiple technology organizations and are prompt in adopting new technologies. They move from one company to another until they find the right solution, and each of them considers a new form of technology.

Hence, technology companies with a strong digital presence can be the foremost choice of these SMBs. Tech firms need to have tailored sales models to the thinking of these SMBs before approaching them. Custom solutions are the ultimate answer to their day-to-day business requirements. If Zoho implementation partners have to sell cloud technologies to these millennial business owners, first meet them in their zone and speak their minds.

Cost and ROI Matter

Generally, SMBs work on narrower financial margins when compared to larger organizations. Like every business, they try to earn more revenue, but at the same time, they also need to improve their business capacity by investing in the right tools and technologies. SMBs prefer to invest in automated software solutions as they can put time out from bringing in revenue. 

Cloud technology offers instant cost savings to SMBs as it removes the enormous capital expenses and maintenance issues of conventional IT infrastructure. It also helps SMB organizations see a surge in their ROI without compromising on the quality and sophistication of the technology used. So, when selling cloud services, you must explain its ROI factor to them.


Selling cloud technology to SMBs can be an easy process for Zoho Implementation Partners if you make the best of the above-mentioned tips. Explaining each point in detail would make your services the foremost choice for them.