Video And SEO: How To Get Them To Get Along

Today any company with an online presence knows that video is one of the elements with the greatest capacity to generate an interesting return on investment (ROI).

However, for this to happen, video creation must be viewed as one more link in the total SEO strategy.

If you want to win visits that can end up becoming customers, you must make sure you implement a good SEO video.

In this article we talk about what you should take into account to improve in this regard.

1. Use the video to solve problems

It seems obvious, but you must not lose sight of the ability to add value to your audience.

It will not do any good if you work on your SEO if your video is boring?and lacks relevant information.

Video And SEO

Google likes videos whose visits are high retention, that is, those that at least view the content for up to 80% of its total duration.

If a person reaches your video and abandons it shortly after starting, it will not take long to fall positions.

Always ask yourself how that video can help your target audience via documentary video production company in Dubai.?Remember that you can be inspired by the?most used video marketing strategies.

2. Use YouTube as bait

YouTube is owned by Google, so there is no better external platform to host your videos at the SEO level.

However, you should save the heavy artillery for the videos hosted on your own website.

The ultimate goal is to position your page, so that the content that you manage to position on YouTube should be small advances related to the videos on your website.

Remember to include annotations with calls to action (CTA) that redirect the user to your page.

If you don’t know how to upload videos to your website, an interesting tool to embed them can be Wistia.

3. Create the video sitemap

For the video hosted on your website to appear in Google search results, you must create an XML Sitemap and upload it to your Google Webmaster Tools account.

The data you will need are:

  • Video title.
  • Video description.
  • URL of the page where you have embedded the video.
  • URL of the video preview image.
  • URL of the page where you have hosted the video.

4. Use the tag

Like the Sitemap, this is another technical detail that helps video SEO but is often overlooked.

Google itself recommends the use of this tag, as it makes it easier for the search engine to read the HTML code of your content.

5. Enter the word “video”

It must be made clear that it is a video, both in the title and in the description.

This affects not so much the video search engines themselves such as YouTube, but Google’s own searches.

Most of the users enter the word “video” in the search engine along with the respective keywords; therefore including it will give you an advantage over your competition.

6. Use Google+

Despite its low activity, Google likes us to remember its social network.

To help positioning on YouTube with video SEO, it is important to connect your channel with your Google+ page, so that the videos you publish also appear on this page.

Remember that even if you only use it as bait to redirect users to your website, the presence on YouTube is decisive.

In addition, the use of Google+ will allow you to make Hangouts live on your YouTube channel, which is one more resource to exploit.

To work!

So far the compilation of tricks to make your video SEO strategy spectacular.

Now you are aware of new technical and planning aspects to make video the jewel in the crown of your SEO strategy.

If you follow the advice and dedicate some time to it, your videos will start to rank well and your company will get the much-needed visibility.

So you know, to do SEO has been said!

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