Parental Duties

    According to the Law, parental responsibility refers to all the duties, powers, responsibilities and authority that parents hold towards their children. It covers both daily decisions (such as what to eat, what to wear, and all the activities the child engages in) and long-term decisions (such as education, health, and religion).

    Raising a child is easy, said nobody ever. There is no complete list of rules or directions. They do, however, come with a set of crucial physical and emotional needs that must be met. Parents who fail to meet their kids’ needs may negatively impact their children for a long time. In this article, you will find a list of parenting duties and responsibilities.

    Provide basic NEEDS

    Make sure to provide your child with all the basic needs, which includes

    • Water
    • A balanced diet
    • Protective shelter
    • Organic clothes and toiletries
    • Comfortable bedding, blankets, and pillows
    • Medical assistance in case of illness?
    • Private Space

    SAFE Environment 

    • Protect your child from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
    • Safeguard your child from unsafe objects.
    • Become familiar with your child’s caregiver. Conduct a background check and verify references.
    • Remove any potential hazards around your home.
    • Observe safety precautions like installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, locking doors at night, wearing a seatbelt or helmet on every trip, etc.


    • Respect your child’s individuality and accept their uniqueness.
    • Motivate your child to get involved in a club, activity, or sporting event.
    • Recognize and acknowledge the achievements of your child.
    • Proper hygiene habits need to be encouraged.
    • Help build their confidence.
    • Don’t place unrealistic or unfair expectations on your child.
    • Don’t criticize or mock your child when they misbehave. It would help if you instead took this opportunity to teach them something.

    Educate MORALS and VALUES

    • Respect
    • Responsibility
    • Discipline
    • Making adjustments and compromising
    • Helping Mentality
    • Justice 
    • Honesty
    • Gratitude
    • Generosity

    Invest in your child’s EDUCATION

    • Get in touch with your child’s teacher to monitor his performance.
    • Take some time to assist your child with his homework. Make sure his assignments are completed on time.
    • You may assist your child with homework, but do not do it yourself.
    • Talk to your kids about their day. E.g. What they learned today, any interesting events, etc.
    • Don’t forget to congratulate and acknowledge your child’s achievements.

    Know your CHILD

    • Regardless of how busy you are, make time for your child. Go shopping and get them their favourite rompers, they’ll love it.
    • Your child should feel comfortable approaching you.
    • Allow them to have some privacy.
    • The key to any bond is communication. Therefore, communicate!

    Here are a few responsibilities parents shouldn’t be expected to handle.

    • Don’t spoil your kids with expensive clothes and toys.
    • Maintaining a cleanroom for your child.
    • Providing your child with a mobile phone, television, computer, or game console.
    • Bailing out your child every time they make a mistake.
    • Giving your child an unlimited amount of treats, chips, sodas, or junk food.
    • Making up for lost toys or other items.
    • Allowing them to engage in illegal activities. 

    It is important to realize that you are doing your very best, and it’s okay not to be perfect. Being a “good enough” parent is more important than trying to be a perfect parent. An “enough” parent strives to do their best for their child. Life can be difficult at times – but these situations can teach us valuable lessons.

    You can’t protect your children from everything that could go wrong or from making bad decisions. However, you may help them learn from the poor choices they make.

    Author Bio

    I am Andrea Micheal, a post-graduate in humanities and communications, and an inquisitive person who loves writing. I?m working for Tiny Twig and my forte is digital marketing and everything that has to do with phones and screens. I am someone who believes that one person can make a change, and that?s precisely why I took up writing, which is the best tool to communicate these days. I have a decade of experience in writing and marketing, and I still find myself learning new things about it, which I want to share with my readers.