Night Out Safety Tips All College Students Should Know

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College is a time of discovery and adventure for many students, especially those who are living away from home. You get to experience a taste of freedom as you find out what it is like to be more independent. You’re bound to test your limits when you are no longer under your parents’ roof. Make the most of your college years, living them to the fullest. At the same time, follow these night-out safety tips all college students should know.

There’s Safety in Numbers

One of the most important tips you should always remember is don’t go out alone at night. Whether you are taking a walk, headed to the local bar, or planning a party with friends, you should always think ahead. Find a friend to accompany you when you are on foot. If possible, make it a group of friends. Bring some tall men along to be more formidable. Don’t leave yourself open to an attack by a criminal or predator of any sort.

Travel with Friends

Avoid getting in a taxi by yourself or going anywhere alone with a stranger. It doesn’t matter if one of your classmates knows the person. You shouldn’t trust your safety with someone you don’t know. Consider getting a rideshare service with a group of your friends or classmates. You’ll have others with you headed to the same destination. You can also cut back on your costs. Be sure to send a message or email to someone telling them where you are headed in the event something should go wrong. While the risk of accidents should be minimal, turn to a Buffalo rideshare accident lawyer if misfortune strikes.

Always Have a Designated Driver if You are Going to Drink

It’s unrealistic to think you will never go out and have a drink while you are in college. There’s bound to be a night out on the town. You may spend many weekends at your favorite bar or club near your campus. Always make sure you have a designated driver with your group to avoid driving while intoxicated. If no one wants to be the driver, plan on getting a cab or rideshare together. You may also have a bus service running through the district that can transport you back to your dorm.

Take Precautions While Walking

When you are walking at night, carry your charged cellphone, a whistle, and pepper spray. Wear bright clothing and walk on the sidewalk. Stay in more public areas. Don’t go in alleys or secluded areas that are hidden from others. If you are going to your car or your room, have your keys in your hand so you are ready to use them. They can be a weapon if needed. Make sure 9-1-1 is on speed dial.

Carry Your Purse Close to Your Body or Your Wallet in Your Front Pocket

Don’t leave yourself open to theft. If you have a purse, carry it close to your body. It’s best to put the strap over your head and shoulder so it is across your chest. Your purse should be at your waist where you can tuck it in under your arm. Otherwise, a wallet is best tucked in deep in your front pocket. Carry a minimum of cash and credit cards. If your wallet or purse is stolen, you want to give a thief as little as possible.

Eat When You’re Out and Drink Plenty of Water

If you are planning on having alcohol, don’t drink on an empty stomach. Have something to eat first. Pace yourself with alcoholic beverages. Drink water in between. Know your limits, especially when you are out. You don’t want to pass out in a bar somewhere or be so drunk you don’t know how to get home. You can enjoy yourself while drinking a sensible amount.

Going out for the night should be an exciting time while you are in college. Be wise. Go with people you trust and know well. You should all look out for one another. Don’t become a statistic. Don’t worry if others think you are too cautious. Your personal safety should come first. Lead by example and the right people will follow.