Pre-Season Maintenance Tips for Snow Removal Equipment

In any industry you find yourself in, maintenance is essential. Moreso, there are pre-season maintenance tips for snow removal equipment. If you are experiencing technical issues with your equipment, your clients may start looking for another local snow removal service. Sure, you do not want this. Therefore, maintenance of your equipment should be routine. Here is a professional snow removal maintenance checklist to guide you. 

Snow Removal Equipment: Pre-Season Maintenance Hacks for Snow Plows

At any time of the season, when you remember that your equipment is ready for work, you will feel peace within. This can only be achieved when you must have done the necessary maintenance. Here are some snow plow maintenance?tips for applying to stay in check ahead of the season.

Snow Plow Maintenance Check List

  • Check the cutting edge of your plow for wear
  • Replace hydraulic fluid
  • Inspect other fluids 
  • If needed, replace hoses and fittings 
  • If needed, replace plow shoes
  • Dust every electrical connection. When the plow is not in use, corrosion can build up
  • Examine the battery
  • Ensure all the fasteners are well-tightened.
  • Call for a mechanical inspection to confirm that your plow is free of mechanical issues.

Snow Removal Equipment: Post-Season Maintenance Hacks for Snow Plows

After the services are rendered in winter, post-season maintenance is necessary. This would help fix wear and tear and get your plow healthy before hibernating for spring and summer.

Post-Season Maintenance Check List

  • Repaint your plow. Scratched or unpainted parts may turn into rust
  • Clean salt and dirt off your plow
  • Oil or lubricate siding pivot points and siding pins to reduce rust and avoid locking. Also, lubricate the exposed parts of the cylinder rust.
  • Use a layer of dielectric grease to coat electrical connections to reduce corrosion.

Pre-Season Maintenance Hacks for Snow Spreaders

The spreader gets used more than the trucking in different ways. It spreads corrosive materials such as ice melt and rock salt. Also, it is constantly jostled, by the way. Pre-season is the best time to ensure the spreaders are in good condition to avoid sudden issues.

Pre-Season Checklist for Spreaders

  • Examine and tight the chain tension if it is loosened
  • Tightened or replaced cracked hoses and fittings
  • Inspect the battery and charging system of your spreader if it is an electric one
  • Check and tighten screws and fasteners.
  • Call for a mechanical check-up if there is any damage.

Post-Season Maintenance Hacks for Salt Spreaders

Post-season maintenance is important for your spreaders after usage. You must have encountered some damage. So, it is the right time to repair and get it back on track. 

Post-Season Maintenance Checklist for Spreaders

  • Detach the spreaders and keep them in a dry and safe place. Make it stand upright.
  • Remove every material from the spreader by cleaning it thoroughly
  • Prevent corrosion by greasing every connection
  • Repaint if necessary


To protect your investment, keeping to routine maintenance is important. Keep the elements from breaking down your plow, spreader, and truck you use for business. All snow removal equipment should be well maintained to make them last longer. Pre-season and post-season maintenance is the key to getting ready for business.