Know the Recommended Furnace Fuels to Avoid Damage

Recommended Furnace Fuels

Although gas and electricity are the two main and best-known furnace fuel types, more recent furnaces can also be powered by propane or solar energy. Therefore, it’s crucial to ascertain which furnace fuel type is ideal for your unique demands before you buy a furnace. After all, selecting the incorrect one can force you to replace it much sooner than you anticipated! Continue reading to learn more about the various furnace fuel kinds and how to make the best decision possible.

What Happens When You Select the Wrong Furnace Fuel 

Making the wrong furnace fuel selection for your furnace system may be very time-consuming, expensive, and stressful. It may prove to be extremely harmful for homes! For instance, some people may invest a significant amount of money in a gas furnace only to discover that their home lacks the necessary gas hook-ups. Others who place a high value on energy efficiency could invest in an electric furnace only to discover that it doesn’t always offer the highest levels of energy efficiency.

Benefits of Selecting the Right Furnace Fuel 

On the other hand, doing your homework, speaking with heating experts, and learning everything you can about your perfect furnace before you buy can be extremely beneficial in the long run. Many advantages accrue to homeowners who select the proper fuel type for their furnace, including:

  • Affordable maintenance and repair costs
  • A more consistent heat flow guarantees warm air in the areas that need it the most
  • Zero danger for members of your household

Four Types of Furnaces

Which furnace fuel type should you use now that you are aware of the dangers of doing so and the advantages of doing so? Find out which of the four types of furnaces is best for you: gas, electric, propane, and solar energy.

  • Solar Energy

More and more people have recently developed an interest in using solar energy to heat their houses. Concentrated solar power panels are used in solar energy furnaces to generate high temperatures. Electricity-conscious, money-conscious homeowners can save a ton of energy and money by utilizing a solar energy furnace.

  • Gas

Given that it typically costs less to operate over time than other fuels, gas is one of the most widely used fuel types for furnaces. Gas furnaces heat homes more quickly than other types of furnaces, raising the temperature inside during really cold weather. The short lifespan of a gas furnace, between 10 and 20 years, is one disadvantage. The installation process might also be time-consuming. Last but not least, despite the low levels of carbon monoxide that gas furnaces generate, the homeowner must always make sure that the furnace is kept in good working order. 

Regular maintenance by a qualified HVAC technician is crucial. Nevertheless, experts advise replacing an old gas furnace with a new one if it has already failed. Additionally, if you don’t already have natural gas but have access to it, this is a lot simpler alternative than installing a sizable propane tank. Do you want to know how a gas furnace operates? The fuel is combined with air inside and burned.

  • Propane

There are various reasons why people choose propane furnaces. When you don’t have access to a natural gas pipeline, a propane furnace still produces hotter air than an electric furnace, operates very cleanly and effectively, and offers all the benefits of gas heat. Tanks typically come in sizes between 200 and 1,000 gallons.

  • Electric

For a number of reasons, a lot of people opt for electric furnaces. First, they are typically cheaper to purchase than gas furnaces. (However, the cost of running an electric furnace may be more than that of a gas one.) People also adore the fact that electric furnaces are typically quiet and long-lasting, lasting 20 to 30 years on average. Electric furnaces are also quick and simple to install. Given that maintenance is so simple, homeowners can frequently fix problems with their electric furnace without consulting a professional, this carries over into the lifespan of the device as well.


Knowing the distinctions between the four furnace fuel types will help you choose which is ideal for your house. You can also consult with your furnace contractor to know the best for you if you are in doubt.