There may be multiple causes for the Microsoft Prospect to avoid responding. The issue may possibly arise when you start or close Microsoft Prospect, reply to an email, switch from folder to folder, or publish or acquire an attachment. It occurs frequently at the days when you are replying to an important email. Let’s explore a number of the causes that could trigger Microsoft Prospect to not respond or freeze.
Also read how to fix the [pii_email_84e9c709276f599ab1e7] error code in MS Outlook

These generally include a temporary glitch; a third-party plan that’s running concurrently with Microsoft Prospect; an Prospect add-in; in-progress synchronization; an over-sized PST file; antivirus plan; IMAPExchange bill; Prospect registry articles; and a disease or malware contamination among others. Now that you’ve become acquainted with the possible causes, let us move ahead to repair Outlook.
Situation 1: Can it be the first time your outlook ended answering?
If it is the first time your Prospect ended answering, provide this tweak a shot. Open Job Supervisor possibly by pushing the Ctrl, Alternative, Eliminate tips together or right-clicking anywhere on the taskbar. Click the Procedures loss, search for the Outlook.exe method and choose it, and attack the Conclusion Method button. Shut the Job Supervisor window. Reboot your computer now. When it has restarted completely, start Prospect and check always whether it’s functioning or not.
Situation 2: Third-party programs
Shut any third-party application that goes at once when Prospect runs. Prospect should work great when you close the program. Antivirus computer software, firewall, add-in, plug-in, or toolbar are among a few of the third-party programs that can trigger Microsoft Prospect to freeze. Because security programs like antivirus, anti-spyware or firewall are made defend your solitude and data from unauthorized intrusions and attacks that usually come via e-mails, they configure stringent security and solitude adjustments that occasionally reduce Prospect from giving or obtaining e-mails or working properly.
In order to avoid such Microsoft Prospect problems, reconfigure your security plan to incorporate Prospect and Prospect add-ins to the respected zones. In the event that you recently fitted an Prospect add-in (Microsoft or third-party) and after which Prospect ended answering, disable it. Check whether Prospect has started functioning or not. If it has, upgrade the Prospect add-in with latest upgrades and patches. If Prospect however does not respond, uninstall the add-in and install yet another or perhaps a similar one from an alternative company. There is a possibility that this add-in computer software wasn’t published correctly by its publisher.
Situation 3: A large PST file
Microsoft Prospect was created to store e-mails or other things automatically. Archiving helps reduce how big your mail and enables Microsoft Prospect to work properly. Because archiving is a resource-hog method, Prospect may stop answering because of bigger files, impending jobs like e-mails, and programs that run concurrently with it. Similar to archiving, synchronization can also be a resource-hog process. In order to avoid Microsoft outlook from stop responding. let it finish its impending tasks.
Besides, do not make more clicks and do not start new jobs before beginning archiving or synchronization. An over-sized PST file (file that shops the whole Prospect data) or big mail could cause Prospect to avoid responding. In order to avoid this issue, store your mail things regularly. Eliminate the unwanted files or attachments that are not good any longer. For an oversized .pst file, separate it in to multiple little .pst files. Yes, build several little .pst files and separate your Prospect data in to them. Besides, regularly back up your .pst files to avoid losing data because of disease or other problem.
Situation 4: Problem with Registry Entries
If the registry articles of your Microsoft Prospect have gone corrupt, it will perhaps not respond to your clicks. You will have to fix the damage registry entries. Obtain a totally free registry fix plan from a reliable internet site and do the installation on your computer. We do not recommend one to manually fix register articles because it is a risky and painful and sensitive procedure.
In the event that you wrongly change your registry, your computer may possibly completely crash. Therefore, fix them employing a registry fix program. Also create a program restore level before running the registry fix program. Doing this enables you to restore your computer to a prior state in case something moves wrong. When performed, start and run this program and resolve the ruined registry entries.
Extra Info:
When you yourself have set up a car responder or have scheduled some e-mails to be sent immediately, there is a possibility your antivirus plan may possibly block them. It is because some antivirus programs frequently contemplate auto-emails that want to be sent or saved as phishing, spam, or disease companies and ergo block them.
Besides, if you think a virus-carrying e-mail has caused your Prospect plan to hold, search for it and remove it from your own mailbox. Open your antivirus plan and upgrade it with the most recent disease and malware definitions. A short while later, run a complete disease check of your computer. Eliminate any infected files that were earned the scan. We recommend that you upgrade your antivirus plan regularly.

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