Is An Electric Car Right for You?

If you?ve been seeing more electric cars on the road, that?s no coincidence.

It?s estimated that the number of EV sales will exceed 1.2 million this year.

With a shift toward more eco-friendly decisionmaking and an increase of U.S.-based EV manufacturers (like the Tesla plant in Texas), EVs are becoming more widely available and consciously chosen by drivers.

Plus, EV models are expanding beyond the traditional sedan into fresh shapes like SUVs and even trucks.

electric car

If you?re in the market for a new car and are curious about EVs, we break down how EVs work and the pros and cons below.

How do electric cars work?

Electric cars are vehicles that use a large battery to electrically power the motor rather than using traditional gasoline. Electric cars are 100% powered by electricity, where hybrid cars are powered by a mix of electricity and gasoline.

Just like gas-powered cars need to be refueled, EVs can only go so many miles before they need to be re-charged. On average, an EV can go for about 250 miles per charge. Though, certain Tesla models boast 350 miles per charge.

You might also notice that EVs are much quieter than their gas-powered counterparts. That?s because EVs aren?t undergoing a process of burning up gas to power the motor like traditional cars do.

Another big plus to driving an EV is that you won?t have to undergo the same type of maintenance that you would with a typical car. This translates to no more costly oil changes.

Benefits of driving an EV

Whether you?re wanting to become a bit more environmentally friendly or you simply want to try out a new vehicle, EVs offer a wide variety of benefits for drivers.

  • They?re environmentally friendly: Electric vehicles boast zero emissions, which greatly reduces the prevalence of smog and greenhouse gases. EVs mean cleaner air for our planet and our lungs.
  • They will save you money on gas: With gas prices reaching record highs as of late, it would be quite nice to be able to skip the gas pump. EVs allow you to do just that and instead you can charge your car at a convenient charging port near you, or potentially install a charging station in your own home for extra convenience.
  • They require less maintenance: As mentioned above, electric cars don?t require oil changes. And with an average oil change costing drivers about $60-$70 per change, this adds up to big savings over the course of your car?s lifetime.
  • They?re high-performing cars: While not quite as obvious as some of the other advantages, EVs are also high performance vehicles ? something many EV enthusiasts will rave about. Some vehicles can reach peak speeds in seconds, which can make driving just a bit more fun.

Now that you understand some of the pros of opting for an EV, our friends at Lemonade have created this infographic that digs a bit deeper into the components of an EV and upcoming trends in the electric vehicle industry.