Top 5 Reasons to Hire MEAN Stack Developers for Scalable Web Applications in 2024 

mean Stack developers


In today’s fast pace of the digital world, business houses look for web applications to be scalable, dynamic and cost-effective. For this reason, hiring an expert on MEAN stack development best serves the purpose. A MEAN stack is a full-stack JavaScript-based technology stack that enables flawless front-end to back-end development and thus helps users achieve faster project completion, easy scalability, and high performance.
In this article, we shall uncover the top five reasons to hire MEAN stack developers and how they can help businesses grow by 2024. 

What is MEAN Stack?

 MEAN is an abbreviation for four high-level technologies: 

  • MongoDB:  One option is MongoDB, a NoSQL database that offers scalable and flexible storage in a JSON-like format.
  • Express.js: Express.js is a web framework for Node.js that facilitates the development of new server-side applications.
  • Angular: Front-end framework for dynamic interactive user interfaces
  • Node.js: Runtime on the server side for solutions made in Java-Script to ensure performance efficiency.

The complete technology stack essentially uses the same programming language throughout both ends of a web application-the client’s and the server’s -and lets the developer build, manage, and deploy modern scalable web applications.

1. Full-Stack JavaScript Expertise

The MEAN stack is one where an entire process development is possible using JavaScript from front-end development all the way to the back-end server-side logic. This makes a smooth workflow because developers do not necessarily need to switch between numerous programming languages. Hire MEAN stack developers means that your web application is developed with full-stack JavaScript expertise, leading to shorter development cycles and better communication within the development team.


  • Consistency across the entire codebase.
  • Easier debugging due to using a single language.
  • Faster collaboration among front-end and back-end teams.

2. Highly Scalable Applications

Among the most significant reasons companies prefer to hire MEAN developers is the stack’s scalability. The NoSQL architecture of MongoDB offers an easy method of horizontal scaling over vast data volumes. Developing highly scalable web applications is made ideal with Node.js’s event-driven non-blocking architecture.

For companies that expect to see rising counts of users, creating applications that can scale successfully is very crucial. Skilled MEAN stack developers can quickly create web-based applications that would scale up very easily with user counts without any hitch.

Advantages of MEAN stack scalability:

  • MongoDB scales its data very easily.
  • Node.js can really handle request responsiveness in an asynchronous nature, making Node.js absolutely perfect for real-time applications, like a client of a chat application.

3. Rapid Prototyping and Agile Development

One of the best features of the MEAN stack is ease in rapid prototyping. Tools such as Angular CLI and Express.js middleware make it simpler to develop front-end and back-end. A business hire MEAN developers to prototype, iterate, and roll out new features quickly, keeping up with constantly evolving needs of users.

Be it an MVP or a full-fledged web application, the result is practically delivered quickly with the help of the MEAN stack developers.


  • Rapid prototyping and faster time-to-market
  • Easy updates and iterations
  • Higher flexibility for the customer feedback for implementation

4. Cost-Effective Solution

Startups and small businesses work with a tight budget, making the MEAN stack very appealing. Using the MEAN stack allows companies to forego costly licenses and proprietary software because all of its components are open source. Using free and open-source technology like the MEAN developers can provide cost-effective, high-quality web solutions to clients.

What is also helpful is that JavaScript covers the whole stack; businesses may hence require fewer developers, further bringing down the cost.

Critical factors that save costs:

  • No licensing fees
  • A single language stack automatically minimizes the need for a number of highly specialized developers.
  • Labor hours become less, and thus faster development time equates to saving on it.

5. Community Support and Resource Availability

Since MEAN is based on open-source technologies, it will take full advantage of a strong and active developer community; this community always contributes to the growth and development of the stack, documenting everything, down to tutorials, and many other resources. Therefore, whether you’re having trouble debugging that pesky bug or want to add new features to the application, you can get great help from the community.

When you hire MEAN developers, you can ensure that your project can bank on masses of collective knowledge, resources, and updates, hence running your web applications smoothly all the time.

Benefits for the community:

  • Regular updating and updation
  • Massive array of resources, plugins, and third-party tools.
  • One may easily solve problems with the aid of community forums and tutorials.

More Benefits of Hiring a Developer with the MEAN Stack

Apart from the top five reasons, there are a number of other benefits in hiring MEAN developers:

  • Real-time applications: Mean is generally very much suitable for real-time applications in the form of chatbots, messaging applications, and even live-streaming platforms.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: MEAN developers can work on building web applications that are much deployable on various platforms, such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Heroku.
  • High performance: Node.js lets the application handle a huge number of requests at the same time without any form of performance bottlenecks.


The investment for scalable, dynamic, and efficient web applications is a MEAN stack developer. Full-stack JavaScript expertise opens the doors of several benefits into businesses by MEAN developers toward building web applications with modern and feature-rich capabilities. From cost-effectiveness and scalability to rapid development cycles and strong community support, a Hire MEAN stack developer turns out to be the most precious asset of today’s competitive digital world.

As you begin your new project in 2024, employing developers with experience in the MEAN stack can allow you to leverage all this flexibility for fruitful working of your web applications.


1Q: Why should I engage MEAN stack developers for my business?

A: Full stack development of MEAN technology can offer complete JavaScript experience, hence making the development much faster and efficient. They are best at developing applications which are scalable, dynamic, as well as cost-effective. Thus businesses of all sizes require it.

2 Q: Does MEAN work for small businesses?

A: The MEAN stack is one of the best and most cost-effective for small businesses, as it allows scaling at any given time. As these are open-source technologies all those companies could avoid the licensing fees associated with such projects while still building quality applications.

3 Q: What measures do developers using the MEAN stack take to ensure application scalability?

A: MEAN developers apply a NoSQL database, MongoDB. There is horizontal scaling hence the database grows as the application gets large and offers no performance issues. Asynchronous request handling in Node.js is efficient to make the applications scalable for the large user bases.

4 Q: Are the applications on MEAN Stack capable of delivering real-time features?

A: Yes, the MEAN application is well suited for real-time features. Developers can develop real-time applications using Node.js and WebSockets, for example, a chat application, collaborative tools, live notifications, etc.


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