Gallbladder Cancer & Its 4 Stages

The gallbladder is a vital part of our body. Its primary function is to pass bile (an acid) to the small intestine so that our body can digest fats and other substances. Dysfunction of this organ can result in digestive problems. The uncontrolled growth of cells in this pear-shaped organ is referred to as gallbladder cancer.

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Unfortunately, it is pretty hard to detect this cancer at an early stage. However, you will feel a little pain in your abdomen, bloating and a mild fever. People with this disorder lose weight without dieting or workout. Also, some victims of gallbladder suffer from jaundice; their skin and eye sclera turn yellow. The hidden character of this cancer allows it to grow extensively. Generally, gallbladder cancer is discovered at the final stage. But by taking the best gallbladder cancer treatment in Kolkata and other cities of the country, you can get rid of this dangerous disorder. Here we will discuss four vital stages of gallbladder cancer; however, before that, let us dive into the major causes of this illness.


Gallbladder cancer is more common in females. It has been found that 0.7 deaths occur in 1 lakh females due to this disease, while this count for males is 0.5. People having gallstones are at high risk of developing this cancer. These stones are made up of bile or bilirubin and lead to chronic inflammation. The deposition of calcium on the wall of the gallbladder is another factor that can cause gallbladder cancer. This condition also results in severe inflammation and is called the Porcelain gallbladder. According to the researchers, obesity also increases the chances of gallbladder cancer. Age also plays a significant role in developing gallbladder cancer.

Most of the people having this health condition are above 65. People having abnormalities in bile ducts also suffer from this health problem. Like the gallbladder, the pancreas also releases fluid into the small intestine via a duct. Typically, this duct connects with the common bile duct in the digestive tract. However, if any defect is present, the liquid flows back to the gallbladder, which causes gallbladder cancer.

Typhoid is also the most common risk factor for gallbladder cancer. Therefore, please do not take it lightly and get the treatment at the earliest. Smoking, exposure to some chemicals & nitrosamines also elevates the risks of this illness. Stages Of Gallbladder Cancer Stage0 It is the initial stage and is also known as CIS ( carcinoma in situ).

In this phase, the cancer cells start growing in the inner lining of the gallbladder. Usually, physicians don’t consider it a real issue as it doesn’t spread to the lymph nodes and other regions of the body. In this stage, no significant symptoms are visible.

  •  Stage1

 In this stage, cancer has formed and began to penetrate the muscle layer.

  • Stage2 It is divided into two categories.
  • Stage 2A Cancer starts spreading to connective tissues via the muscle layer but not to affect the liver.
  • Stage 2B In this stage, cancer cells start growing outside the gallbladder on the same side where the liver is present. But again, they do not harm the liver.
  • Stage3

It is also categorized into two stages

  • Stage 3A

Cancer starts spreading in the liver and other nearby organs of the abdomen.

  • Stage 3B

The characteristics of stages 3A and 3B are almost similar; the only difference is that cancer may affect the lymph nodes at this stage.

  •  Stage 4 This is the final stage, and at this time, cancer reaches the vein of the liver, abdominal organs, and lymph nodes. At this time, you need to seek the help of a surgeon to best gallbladder cancer treatment.

In Final Words -:

As per the research, only 20% of patients with gallbladder cancer can survive upto five years. But, this rate depends on many factors like the exact location of cancer and the region upto which it has spread.