Defense exams are conducted every year to choose Commissioned Officers through AFCAT, CDS, and NDA exams. CDS and AFCAT are the most preferred exams amongst Defense exam aspirants. It is very essential to know the difference between the two exams so that they can choose the exam accordingly.

The full form of AFCAT is Airforce Common Admission Test and CDS is Combined Defense Service Examination. These are written exams to select eligible candidates for the Defence Forces of our country. By taking CDS Coaching in chandigarh you can crack the defence exam easily. There are some differences in these exams, let us enumerate them.
Category of Force
CDS exam is conducted to choose candidates for three wings of IAF these are Army, Airforce, and Navy. AFCAT is held to select young candidates for Airforce only. The test is a Common Admission Test for various academies for the training. The successful candidates are given training by the subsequent academies. Choose the wing that suits you the best. Aim for the best to get the best, listen to your heart who is craving for the post you desire the most right from childhood.
Examining Body
AFCAT is held under the supervision and control of the Indian Airforce twice a year whereas CDS is carried out by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) twice a year. The difficulty level is almost the same for both the exams but UPSC is known for its difficult question papers. Hence CDS demands more knowledge as compared to AFCAT as it is open for the three key wings of the Indian Army.
Release of notification and Exam:
The official notification of AFCAT (1) is generally released in the month of December and AFCAT (2) is released in the month of June. and CDSE1 is notified in the month of January and CDSE2 notification is released in the month of May. The candidates can apply for both exams as the date of notification release is different. The same will be the difference in the exam dates also. It is a privileged option for the candidates who want to opt for both simultaneously.
Result dates of the exams
AFCAT results are declared in the month when the exam was conducted. The AFCAT (1) exam result is declared in the last week of March and AFCAT (2) results are declared in the last week of September. The candidates who will qualify for the exam will be eligible for SSB. The results of CDSE1 are announced in June and for CDSE2 in the month of January. The successful candidates are further called for SSB.
Eligibility Criteria
The educational qualification for both the exams is graduation. The candidates should possess a degree and other technical qualifications depending upon the service they prefer to join.
Age Limit
The age limit of AFCAT depends upon the course they want to join:
For Flying, it is 19-23 years
For Technical it is 18-28 years
For Ground Duties it is for Graduates (20-23yrs), Post Graduates (20-25yrs), LLB (20-26 yrs.), and for Med /Ph.D./CA/ICWA (20-27yrs).
The age limit for CDS is different for different forces:
For the Indian Army, it is 19-24 years
For the Indian Air force, it is 19-23 years
For the Indian Navy, it is 19-22 years
Exam Pattern
The exam pattern of AFCAT comprises of one paper having four sections namely English, GA, Mathematics, and reasoning having 100 questions to be attempted in 2 hours. CDSE exam has three papers these are English, GA, and Mathematics. Mathematics is optional for OTA candidates. Every paper comprises 120 questions each and the time allotted is 2 hours for each paper.
These are some of the significant differences in the CDS and AFCAT exams, therefore, candidates should understand them thoroughly to prepare effectively for the exam. It becomes easy to plan an exam strategy if you know the probable dates of official notifications and exam dates. It ignites the preparation momentum in the candidates who are inclined towards clearing the exam in the forthcoming attempt.
They may join AFCAT Coaching in Chandigarh or CDS coaching in Chandigarh if they are exclusively preparing for AFCAT or CDS. In case they are preparing for both AFCAT and CDS,? they can join Defence exam coaching in Chandigarh. Proper coaching and adequate study planning are mandatory to qualify for these exams.
Coaching is the guidance and self-study is to accomplish the guidance provided by the experts. Do not leave every responsibility in the hands of the faculty members to make you reach the goal. Plan a self-study strategy to revise the topics covered in the classroom. It enhances the chances to ace the exam easily.
Work hard and learn the topics thoroughly to ace the exam with a high score. Always remember you are preparing to serve the nation so give your best in the exam to get an opportunity.
Be the pride of the Nation!!!
Jai Hind!!!

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