Best Ways to Boost Your Body’s Natural Defenses

healthy detox cleanse kit

Your immune system has a very important role in keeping you alive?it defends the body against germs, bacteria and viruses that can wreak havoc inside the body. However, the immune system is not perfect, and sometimes, it fails at keeping guard. But it?s possible to provide your immune system with plenty of fuel and beneficial activities that can make it strong, vigilant and focused on stopping all germ invaders. How can you boost your body’s natural defenses?



Let?s start with the basics?water. Water is the most important ingredient in the cocktail of life and it plays several crucial roles in keeping you alive, one of them being the?support of the immune system. Why is water so important for immunity? Well, our circulatory system contains something called lymph (which is a liquid made mostly of water) that transports immune cells all over the body. When you?re dehydrated, your lymph flow might slow down and affect the entire immune response.

Humans constantly lose water through breathing, urine, bowel movements and sweating, so if you want your immune system to be strong and healthy, make sure to replenish your water supplies all the time.

Eat well

Eat well

A healthy diet is one of the key elements to a healthy life, your body’s natural defenses included. Therefore, you should focus on eating a variety of healthy foods like veggies, fruits, whole grains, legumes, protein and good fats. Fueling your body with nutrients will give your immune system enough energy for a strong defense, but it can also provide you with micronutrients that can perfect it and make it impenetrable. For instance, some of the micronutrients to focus on are Vitamin B6 you can get from foods like chicken, fatty fish, starchy foods like potatoes and bananas and green veggies. Vitamin C, found in fruits and veggies, is also crucial, but you might also want to focus on Vitamin E, present in seeds, seed oil, peanut butter and spinach.

Supplement your diet

Supplement your diet

While the best way to absorb nutrients is from the diet, there are many amazing supplements that can boost your immune system and improve the overall functions of your body. Vitamin C, D and A are crucial for the immune response, but you can also ensure your gut is healthy by taking enough probiotics. If you feel like your stomach is not functioning properly and creating blockages for your immune system, a?healthy detox cleanse kit with ingredients like ginseng, cordyceps, goji and reishi will do the trick. These detox kits contain a wide selection of enzymes and vegan fibers that will clean the colon and ?declutter? your small intestine.

Get plenty of exercise

Get plenty of exercise

Exercising doesn?t just make your muscles strong?it also strengthens your immune system. By improving your blood flow, exercise makes it easier for immune cells to reach every part of the body quickly and efficiently. And don?t think you have to live in the gym to feel the benefits. As little as half an hour of exercise per day is enough to boost your immune system, so do your best to stay active.

Catch enough Zs

Catch enough Zs

Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your health is lie down and relax. When you?re resting, especially when you?re sleeping, your immune system is performing many important tasks like creating infection-fighting molecules. According to research,?sleep deprivation?results in more cases of sickness, so give your body time to sleep and produce fighters that will guard your body against infections.

Work on your stress

Stress can be a real immunity killer. No matter if sudden or built up over years and years, stress can after your body’s natural defense, as well as other parts of your body. If you?re experiencing chronic stress (a type of stress that?s going on for a longer period of time), your body will start a process called ?stress response? to help you deal with all the stress on your plate. This response is not inherently bad, but it can suppress your immune system and boost your chances of getting sick. Since we all react differently to stress, we also need different ways to relieve it. You can try exercises like deep breathing, meditation, muscle relaxation, exercise or prayer. Once you find something that helps, use it to your advantage.

When you manage to build a strong immune system, you can avoid many unnecessary health crises and feel your best all year long.