Vegan handbags are as good as leather bags. Non-leather purses are a wiser choice to make not only because they are Peta approved or cruelty-free, but also because the affordability and looks of a high-end vegan handbag will be as good as that of genuine leather. Despite being made from sustainable materials, the look and texture are almost the same. To make it easy for you, we?ve listed down trendy designer bags & vegan wallets that will steal your heart away in one glance.
1. Stella McCartney
Of course, you?ve heard the name before! Stella McCartney has been a prominent name when we talk about high-end luxury purses and is one of the best purse brands. She has always tried to reinvent fashion ethically. Stella McCartney was one of the first luxury brands to introduce cutting edge technologies to protect endangered forests. Stella McCartney?s early championing of eco-friendly, best quality products and vegan fashion paved the way for the new crop of emerging ethical brands.
It?s been only four years for JW PEI in the market. This newcomer in the vegan fashion market was launched in 2016, but nothing could stop this brand from creating a sensation. The brand only works with certified factories by the Global Recycling Standards, 10% of every bag purchase is donated to animal sanctuaries across the globe. JW PEI?s vegan handbag designs are modern, forward-thinking designs with a classic high-end look and are made with sustainable materials. Did we mention PETA approves of us!
3. Wilby Clutch
Wilby clutch as a brand specialises in organic and ethical materials such as organic cotton lining, recyclable cloth, eco-friendly backing and cork leather. Wilby Clutch?s non-leather purses have a sustainable rating and PETA-approved vegan leather. The London-based brand delivers an assortment of lightweight vegan crocodile-look ‘Vroc-skin’ that have been manufactured in the UK using sustainable cork leather.
4. Stelar Veh
Every bag comes with a unique code embossed discreetly onto your Vegan handbag. The brand?s website lets you learn all about the Balinese artisan who created that same piece. The brand is passionate about supporting local communities and re-generating ancient techniques. Stelar Veh as a vegan purse brand has really unique and rare designs in designer bags and Vegan wallets. Some of their bags have been hand-woven by local evacuees from the region surrounding the Mount Agung volcano, making it one of the best purse brands out there.
5. Jill Milan
The brand?s commitment to cruelty free, yet classical, styles in Vegan handbags and Vegan wallets has priced its market high, made with best quality Italian manufacturing. Jill Milan is one of the luxurious vegan brands seen on Cannes & LA?s red carpet. Not only this Anna Hathway wore one of Jill Milan bags to the Oceans 8 premiere.
6. Gunas
Gunas the brand was started in 2009. The brand itself specialises in cruelty-free vegan handbags and designer vegan wallets made out of sustainable materials. Their high-end purses come with best quality vegan leather. These designer bags are made while keeping in mind the fashion trends and are truly gorgeous.
It?s hard to choose one but definitely take your pick amongst these stunning bag designers. Whatever suits you the best. Good luck!

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