11 Air Conditioning Myths That Cost You Money!

    Air conditioners require regular maintenance but most of the people avoid it largely. Eventually they end up paying for minor and major problems due to lack of proper air conditioner maintenance. Following are some common myths about air conditioners that need to be busted.

    1. Turning the thermostat down will cause rapid cooling in your house

    Cooling an area or your home will always be a matter of your time. Whether or not you set the thermostat at the very cheapest possible setting, your AC unit will still run at an identical pace. 

    Use a smart thermostat to save your time and thermostat adaptations to the requirement automatically. You shall increase the temperature after you do not seem home by some degrees and adjust the temperature before you retreat. This can help avoid the drastic increase or decrease in temperature.

    Adjust your thermostat temperature in keeping with your habits, preferences, and, therefore, the temperature outside. The closer your thermostat setting is to the surface temperature, the more you’ll save.

    2. Bigger AC Units Perform Better and provide you Better Results

    An AC unit whose capacity is way too big for the space that it is alleged to cool will force its compressor to show itself on and off in quick intervals. This can shorten its life and decrease performance. 

    When you choose a large cooling size, it forces your unit to run continuously briefly bursts, which causes it to blow faster. If the unit runs with minute breaks in between, it can allow hot air to sweep in your home which can eventually cause increased use of energy and more load on the unit.  

    3. Turning Off the Air Conditioner When You Are Not At Home, you will save energy?

    This strategy is only effective over long periods. If you turn off the AC before going to work on a hot summer day and then turn it back on when you get home, your AC will have to work harder to cool your home. 

    It’s preferable to have the thermostat set to a higher temperature than to leave it at zero. The better option is to raise the thermostat because it protects your home from mold and bugs (Turning your air conditioning off causes humidity, and within the summer, mold and insects love humidity). 

    4. Air Conditioner in Summers Can Cause Cold

    A virus, not a temperature, causes a chilly. You want to be exposed to germs, bacteria, and viruses to become sick. You may be experiencing allergies or an asthma-related symptom. Your HVAC has an impression on your indoor air quality. Airborne illnesses might be a result of unclean cooling.

    5. Air filters can last a year without being replaced or maintained

    Dust, mold, and other dirt particles accumulate in air filters. This results in poor airflow, which forces your air conditioner to work harder. This ends up in more substantial electricity use and more utility bills.

    A clean filter effectively removes allergens particulates present in dust. Whereas, an unclean filter can compromise indoor air quality by acting as a pool for dirt, dust, and debris that can be constantly circulated into the air. 

    6. A new AC will cost your more money than repairing an old one

    While buying a brand-new AC unit can cost you money initially, its higher efficiency will prevent more cash than holding on to and operating an old one.

    Consider the system’s age, technology, repair costs, and overall performance. Weighing your options with complete information will assist you in deciding when to invest in a brand-new air-conditioning system. 

    7. Thermostat Location Does not Matter

    The location of your thermostat is critical to the performance and efficiency of your air conditioning system. A thermostat should be placed away from heat or cooling sources and in a central location where it can obtain an average reading of the temperature levels in your home. 

    An unproperly installed thermostat can waste both energy and money. A well-placed thermostat will accurately read the temperature in your home and meet your demands for a controlled environment.

    8. Fans Keep a Room Cooler

    Fans move air during a room but do not affect the air temperature making it a superb solution after you want to cool downtown without lowering the thermostat. Fans are designed to chill people down, not rooms.

    9. Close Vents in Unused Rooms?

    Closing vents in rooms you are doing not use throws off the air distribution throughout your home. It causes pressure to build up in your ducts, causing your air conditioner to work harder. 

    Closing vents in unused rooms reduces the amount of energy that enters the space. Still, it also pushes the surplus air to other places in your home.

    10. Your cooling Won’t need to run the maximum amount if you retain the Ceiling Fan Turned On

    A ceiling fan doesn’t increase the efficacy of your cooling. Ceiling fans don’t cool the air; it merely circulates the air that’s already within the room.

    Using a fan together with your AC might enable you to show the thermostat up slightly. This may prevent money. 

    11. Spring air-con Checkups are a Waste of your time and money if you’ve got a more recent Unit

    If you are doing, have a high-efficiency, more modern air conditioner. Would you like to stay performing that way for as long as possible?

    Scheduled service and cleaning will keep your unit running efficiently and catch potential problems developed over the winter. 


    The most common myth of AC is that if your house is especially warm, you ought to lower the thermostat to the maximum amount possible to cool your home quickly. But that’s not how air conditioners work. That myth has been debunked!?Thermostats can help to make your home more comfortable by collaborating with your HVAC units. Another common misconception is that seasonal air conditioner maintenance and tune-ups are unnecessary. Different seasons necessitate different heating and cooling requirements. Keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly and efficiently necessitates regular air conditioner maintenance and repairs.